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dc.contributor.advisorSalazar Carranza, Luz Angélica
dc.contributor.authorGutiérrez Pérez, Tanya Jessenia
dc.descriptionHeart failure is a chronic pathology that degenerates the heart in which the heart does not pump enough blood, preventing oxygen from reaching the body, causing fatigue and accumulation of blood that, if it were to leave the blood vessels, would cause congestion in the lungs. Diabetes is a long-term chronic non-communicable pathology that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or once the body does not use the insulin produced by the body in the correct way, causing a production in the levels of glucose present in the blood that throughout the disease will cause a lot of damage to the nerves and blood vessels. In this clinical case, the nutritional process that will be applied to a 59-year-old patient who was admitted to the general hospital of Quevedo due to presenting a clinical picture of stabbing left chest pain of a month of evolution accompanied by dyspnea will be observed. mild exertion and nausea. Patient with diabetes mellitus II diagnosed 5 years ago with irregular treatment was referred to the internal medicine ward where he was admitted for treatment, he was referred to nutrition where he was assessed and biochemical data was reviewed where the patient had high glucose levels, cholesterol and triglycerides. With nutritional treatment, the nutritional status of the patient will be improved and in the same way glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels will be improved.es_ES
dc.descriptionHeart failure is a chronic pathology that degenerates the heart in which the heart does not pump enough blood, preventing oxygen from reaching the body, causing fatigue and accumulation of blood that, if it were to leave the blood vessels, would cause congestion in the lungs. Diabetes is a long-term chronic non-communicable pathology that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or once the body does not use the insulin produced by the body in the correct way, causing a production in the levels of glucose present in the blood that throughout the disease will cause a lot of damage to the nerves and blood vessels. In this clinical case, the nutritional process that will be applied to a 59-year-old patient who was admitted to the general hospital of Quevedo due to presenting a clinical picture of stabbing left chest pain of a month of evolution accompanied by dyspnea will be observed. mild exertion and nausea. Patient with diabetes mellitus II diagnosed 5 years ago with irregular treatment was referred to the internal medicine ward where he was admitted for treatment, he was referred to nutrition where he was assessed and biochemical data was reviewed where the patient had high glucose levels, cholesterol and triglycerides. With nutritional treatment, the nutritional status of the patient will be improved and in the same way glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels will be improved.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa insuficiencia cardíaca es una patología crónica que degenera el corazón en el cual el corazón no bombea suficiente sangre impidiendo que llegue el oxígeno al cuerpo, causando fatiga y acumulación de sangre que si llegase a salir de los vasos sanguíneos causaría congestionar los pulmones. La diabetes es una patología crónica no transmisible de larga duración que se produce en el momento en el que el páncreas no produce suficiente insulina, o una vez que el cuerpo no utiliza de la manera correcta la insulina que produce el cuerpo provocando una alteración en los niveles de glucosa presentes en la sangre que a lo largo de la enfermedad provocara muchos daños en los nervios y vasos sanguíneos. En este caso clínico se observará el proceso nutricional que se aplicara a un paciente de 59 años de edad que se ingresó al hospital general de Quevedo por presentar por presentar un cuadro clínico de dolor torácico izquierdo tipo punzante de un mes de evolución acompañado de disnea de leves esfuerzos y nauseas. Paciente con diabetes mellitus II diagnosticado hace 5 años que lleva un tratamiento irregular fue derivado a la sala de medicina interna donde lo ingresan para tratarlo, lo interconsultan a nutrición donde se lo valora y se revisa datos bioquímicos donde el paciente tiene altos niveles de glucosa, colesterol y triglicéridos. Con el tratamiento nutricional se logró mejorar el estado nutricional del paciente y del mismo modo se logró mejorar los niveles de glucosa, colesterol y triglicéridos.es_ES
dc.format.extent37 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectInsuficiencia cardiacaes_ES
dc.titleProceso de atención nutricional en paciente masculino de 59 años de edad con insuficiencia cardíaca y diabetes mellitus tipo 2.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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