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dc.contributor.advisorAlcoser Cantuña, Fabián Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorMontoya Vera, Irvin Fernando
dc.descriptionIn recent years there has been a notable increase in the importance of information systems in the development of business activity. The control and sales systems integrate the different functions that improve customer service processes; from the use of specific business logic, which facilitate calculations and decisions around the improvement of the commercialization process. The sportswear store "Cristhian Sport" located in the city of Babahoyo, has a dynamism, a competitive spirit, but the current imposition of a globalized market and the rush to implement new technologies to achieve business sustainability, increasingly weighs on the development of the warehouse. All routine tasks of collecting, transmitting, recording and reviewing information in the warehouse are carried out manually. Through the feasibility study carried out in the warehouse, it was evidenced that the system is viable to carry out. The owner stated that he does have the economic resources necessary for its development and implementation and showed his optimism knowing the advantage they will have by having a control and sales system.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn recent years there has been a notable increase in the importance of information systems in the development of business activity. The control and sales systems integrate the different functions that improve customer service processes; from the use of specific business logic, which facilitate calculations and decisions around the improvement of the commercialization process. The sportswear store "Cristhian Sport" located in the city of Babahoyo, has a dynamism, a competitive spirit, but the current imposition of a globalized market and the rush to implement new technologies to achieve business sustainability, increasingly weighs on the development of the warehouse. All routine tasks of collecting, transmitting, recording and reviewing information in the warehouse are carried out manually. Through the feasibility study carried out in the warehouse, it was evidenced that the system is viable to carry out. The owner stated that he does have the economic resources necessary for its development and implementation and showed his optimism knowing the advantage they will have by having a control and sales system.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn los últimos años se ha experimentado un notable incremento de la importancia que tiene los sistemas de información en el desarrollo de la actividad empresarial. Los Sistemas control y ventas integran las diferentes funciones que mejoran los procesos de atención al cliente; a partir de la utilización de la lógica de negocios específica, que facilitan los cálculos y decisiones en torno a la mejora del proceso de comercialización. El almacén de ropa deportiva "Cristhian Sport" ubicado en la ciudad de Babahoyo, tiene un dinamismo, un espíritu competitivo, pero, la actual imposición de un mercado globalizado y la prisa de implementar nuevas tecnologías para lograr la sostenibilidad del negocio, cada vez más pesa en el desarrollo del almacén. Todas las tareas de rutina de recopilar, transmitir, registrar y revisar información en el almacén se llevan a cabo de manera manual. Mediante el estudio de factibilidad realizado en el almacén, se evidenció que el sistema es viable de realizarlo. El dueño manifestó que si cuenta el recurso económico necesario para su desarrollo e implementación y demostró su optimismo al saber de la ventaja que tendrán al contar con un sistema de control y ventas.es_ES
dc.format.extent28 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleAnálisis técnico para el accionamiento de una aplicación que permita el control y ventas en el almacén de ropa deportiva "Cristhian Sport" ubicado en la ciudad de Babahoyoes_ES

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