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dc.contributor.advisorSuarez Camacho, Fanny
dc.contributor.authorPariaz Abarca, Nury Elena
dc.descriptionWe define pregnancy as a process of changes in the body, on those occasions they turn out to be pathological complications that affect the pregnant woman and the fetus, considering it high risk. When a pregnant woman with a high-risk pregnancy occurs, a complete assessment is started to determine possible situations that in some may be harmful to the pregnant woman and the product. We can include different factors that place a risky pregnancy such as Diabetes Mellitus, Arterial Hypertension, Pre-eclampsia etc. In the following clinical study we will describe the clinical picture of a 9-week pregnant woman associated with Stage V Chronic Renal Insufficiency in the process of dialysis treatment, aiming at the application of the nursing care process being a fundamental tool for the nursing professional who It will allow to assess the lifestyle of the pregnant woman by carrying out a nursing assessment that identifies potential problems and converting them into positive results for the patient by following the therapeutic treatment and reducing the high risk index of the patient with the formation of a detailed care plan. the problems and at the same time resembling them with a Nursing Diagnosis that includes the patient's symptoms, planning the possible results, exposing the necessary interventions for the execution of the same with the expectation of a positive evolution during the hospital stay.es_ES
dc.descriptionWe define pregnancy as a process of changes in the body, on those occasions they turn out to be pathological complications that affect the pregnant woman and the fetus, considering it high risk. When a pregnant woman with a high-risk pregnancy occurs, a complete assessment is started to determine possible situations that in some may be harmful to the pregnant woman and the product. We can include different factors that place a risky pregnancy such as Diabetes Mellitus, Arterial Hypertension, Pre-eclampsia etc. In the following clinical study we will describe the clinical picture of a 9-week pregnant woman associated with Stage V Chronic Renal Insufficiency in the process of dialysis treatment, aiming at the application of the nursing care process being a fundamental tool for the nursing professional who It will allow to assess the lifestyle of the pregnant woman by carrying out a nursing assessment that identifies potential problems and converting them into positive results for the patient by following the therapeutic treatment and reducing the high risk index of the patient with the formation of a detailed care plan. the problems and at the same time resembling them with a Nursing Diagnosis that includes the patient's symptoms, planning the possible results, exposing the necessary interventions for the execution of the same with the expectation of a positive evolution during the hospital stay.es_ES
dc.description.abstractDefinimos el embarazo como un proceso de cambios en el organismo, en aquellas ocasiones resultan ser complicaciones patológicas que afectan a la gestante y el feto considerándolo alto riesgo. Cuando se presenta una gestante con embarazo de alto riesgo se comienza una valoración completa para determinar posibles situaciones que en algunos puede ser perjudiciales para la gestante y el producto. Podemos englobar diferentes factores que colocan el embarazo riesgoso como Diabetes Mellitus, Hipertensión Arterial, Preeclampsia etc. En el siguiente estudio clínico describiremos el cuadro clínico de una gestante de 9 semanas de embarazo asociado con Insuficiencia Renal Crónica Etapa V en proceso de tratamiento dialítico, dando como objetivo la aplicación del proceso de atención de enfermería siendo una herramienta fundamental para el profesional enfermero que permitirá valorar el estilo de vida de la gestante realizando una valoración enfermero que identifico los problemas potenciales y convirtiéndolos en resultados positivos para la paciente siguiendo el tratamiento terapéutico y disminuyendo el índice alto de riesgo que cursa la paciente con la formación de un plan de cuidado detallando los problemas y a su vez semejándolos con un Diagnóstico Enfermero que comprende la sintomatología de la paciente realizando la planificación de los posibles resultado exponiendo las intervenciones necesarias para la ejecución de la misma con la espera de una evolución positiva durante la permanencia hospitalaria.es_ES
dc.format.extent38 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectInsuficiencia Renal Crónicaes_ES
dc.subjectDiagnostico Enfermeroes_ES
dc.subjectValoración Enfermeroes_ES
dc.subjectPlan de Cuidadoes_ES
dc.titleProceso atención de enfermería en gestante de 9 semanas con embarazo de alto riesgo asociado a insuficiencia renal crónica etapa 5.es_ES

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