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dc.contributor.advisorVargas Angulo, Ligia Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorCachupud Cuji, María Verónica
dc.descriptionVaginitis is a gynecological problem that can occur at any age in women, it is an infection of the vagina that occurs between 17 to 50%, in prepuberculosis. There are several causes for which this pathology manifests itself, (v. Bacterial, vaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis). The main symptom is itching, thick white discharge, erythema. “Vaginitis can be diagnosed by physical examination, culture examination, laboratory analysis, pH test. Generally it is treated with an antifungal cream or suppository, avoid using softeners, perfumed soaps or irritants to clean the genital area. " (MFMER, 2019). The basis of this clinical case is specifically focused on the development of the nursing care process in a school patient, who was hospitalized in the pediatric area for presenting, pelvic abdominal pain, headache, hyperthermia of more or less 12 hours of evolution. Immediately the inspection, evaluation, laboratory tests are carried out. Where timely data was obtained to treat the presented pathology. Patient is admitted under medical surveillance and under the care of the nursing staff.es_ES
dc.descriptionVaginitis is a gynecological problem that can occur at any age in women, it is an infection of the vagina that occurs between 17 to 50%, in prepuberculosis. There are several causes for which this pathology manifests itself, (v. Bacterial, vaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis). The main symptom is itching, thick white discharge, erythema. “Vaginitis can be diagnosed by physical examination, culture examination, laboratory analysis, pH test. Generally it is treated with an antifungal cream or suppository, avoid using softeners, perfumed soaps or irritants to clean the genital area. " (MFMER, 2019). The basis of this clinical case is specifically focused on the development of the nursing care process in a school patient, who was hospitalized in the pediatric area for presenting, pelvic abdominal pain, headache, hyperthermia of more or less 12 hours of evolution. Immediately the inspection, evaluation, laboratory tests are carried out. Where timely data was obtained to treat the presented pathology. Patient is admitted under medical surveillance and under the care of the nursing staff.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa vaginitis es un problema ginecológico que se puede presentar a cualquier edad en la mujer, es una infección de la vagina que se presenta entre un 17 a 50%, en la prepuber. Existes varias causas por las que se manifiesta esta patología, (v. bacteriana, candidiasis vaginal, tricomoniasis). El principal síntoma es el prurito, flujo espeso de color blanco, eritema. “La vaginitis se puede diagnosticar por el examen físico, examen de cultivo, análisis de laboratorio, prueba de pH. Generalmente se trata con una crema o supositorio antimicótico, evitar el uso de suavizantes, jabones perfumados o irritantes para limpiar la zona genital.” (MFMER, 2019). La base de este caso clínico se centra específicamente en el desarrollo del proceso de atención de enfermería en un paciente escolar, que fue hospitalizada en el área de pediatría por presentar, dolor abdominal pélvico, cefalea, hipertermia de más o menos 12 horas de evolución. Inmediatamente se realiza la inspección, valoración, exámenes de laboratorio. Donde se obtuvo datos oportunos para tratar la patología presentada. Paciente queda ingresada con vigilancia médica y al cuidado por parte del personal de enfermería.es_ES
dc.format.extent34 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectProceso de Atención de Enfermeríaes_ES
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería en paciente escolar, con dolor pélvico relacionado con vaginitis.es_ES

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