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dc.contributor.advisorCruz Villegas, Janeth
dc.contributor.authorLoor Zavala, Julissa Lisbeth
dc.descriptionMyopia deviation is usually created by refractive errors, which focuses on focusing on objects at a distance in front of the retina, which is the correct way. That is why the eye of a person suffering from high myopia is larger due to an elongation of the eyeball which is more than 26 mm. This high myopia leads to alterations in the physical structure of the eye, which includes negative modification of the structure for the retina and optic nerve. This disease affects a small part of the population, being one of the causes that causes blindness in large numbers, so this can cause a choroidal deviation or neovascularization causing damage with greater intensity, so the treatments that are usually applied by the visual health professional are photodynamic therapy, thermal laser photocoagulation, and surgery. The limitation due to visual acuity at the time of undergoing treatment such as photodynamic therapy presents a high probability of presenting subretinal fibrosis together with chorioretinal paralysis together with the association of other techniques. That is why this case focuses on the analysis of the origin that could cause high myopia, it is known that deterioration can be created from the age of 5 in which it can be identified or diagnosed approximately in adolescence, so this disease It had an impact on its structure which produced a deviation, an investigation that is useful for future studies carried out with the same topic.es_ES
dc.descriptionMyopia deviation is usually created by refractive errors, which focuses on focusing on objects at a distance in front of the retina, which is the correct way. That is why the eye of a person suffering from high myopia is larger due to an elongation of the eyeball which is more than 26 mm. This high myopia leads to alterations in the physical structure of the eye, which includes negative modification of the structure for the retina and optic nerve. This disease affects a small part of the population, being one of the causes that causes blindness in large numbers, so this can cause a choroidal deviation or neovascularization causing damage with greater intensity, so the treatments that are usually applied by the visual health professional are photodynamic therapy, thermal laser photocoagulation, and surgery. The limitation due to visual acuity at the time of undergoing treatment such as photodynamic therapy presents a high probability of presenting subretinal fibrosis together with chorioretinal paralysis together with the association of other techniques. That is why this case focuses on the analysis of the origin that could cause high myopia, it is known that deterioration can be created from the age of 5 in which it can be identified or diagnosed approximately in adolescence, so this disease It had an impact on its structure which produced a deviation, an investigation that is useful for future studies carried out with the same topic.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa desviación por miopía se suele crear por defectos refractivos, la cual se centra en el enfoque de objetos a una distancia al frente de la retina, siendo esa la forma correcta. Es por ello que el ojo de una persona que padece de miopía magna es más grande debido a un alargamiento del globo ocular el cual tiene más de 26 mm. Esta miopía magna conlleva a alteraciones de la estructura física del ojo, la cual incluye modificación negativa de la estructura para la retina y nervio óptico. Esta enfermedad afecta a una pequeña parte de la población siendo una de las causas que ocasiona la ceguera en gran cantidad, por lo que esta puede ocasionar una desviación o neovascularización coroidea ocasionando un daño con mayor intensidad, por lo que los tratamientos que se suele aplicar por parte del profesional de salud visual son la terapia fotodinámica, la fotocoagulación laser térmica, y cirugía. La limitación por ante la agudeza visual al momento de someterse al tratamiento como es la terapia fotodinámica presenta una alta probabilidad de presentar una fibrosis su retiniana junto con la paralización de coriorretiniana junto con la vinculación de otras técnicas. Es por ello que este caso se centra en el análisis del origen que pudo ocasionar la miopía magna, se conoce que se puede crear el deterioro desde los 5 años en la que se puede identificar o diagnosticar aproximadamente en la adolescencia, por lo que esta enfermedad repercutió en su estructura la cual produjo una desviación, investigación que es útil para futuros estudios realizado con la misma temática.es_ES
dc.format.extent28 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectMiopía Magnaes_ES
dc.subjectAtrofia Musculares_ES
dc.subjectSalud Visuales_ES
dc.titleDesviación por miopía magna en paciente femenino de 14 años de edad.es_ES

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