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dc.contributor.advisorHasang Moran, Edwin Stalin
dc.contributor.authorVera Aviléz, Margot Janeth
dc.descriptionThe investigation was established on the land of Hacienda “San José 2” owned by Mr. Armando Arregui Dávila, located at km 17 of the Babahoyo-La Unión highway, Los Ríos Province. Treatments based on amendments and biological activators such as Humigrowth in doses of 2 kg / ha were studied; Douplus + Bionem in doses of 1 liter + 250 cc / ha; Tricomix + Bionem, dose of 250 g + 250 cc / ha; Tricho D + Micosplag + Bacthon in doses of 300 g + 200g + 1L / ha; organic nematicide dose of 1 kg / ha; Verango (fluopyram) in doses of 1.2 L / ha and absolute control, without application of products for the management of nematodes in banana cultivation. The research was carried out to control the nematodes Radopholus, Helicotylenchus and Meloidogyne both in roots and in soil. The Experimental Design of "Completely Random Blocks" (DBCA) was used, consisting of 7 treatments and 4 repetitions, evaluated by means of the Tukey test at 95%. Each experimental unit consisted of 5 plants where + 3 clumps were taken, between 30 - 60 cm in height, which were marked with a ring to indicate which treatment it belongs to with its assigned color. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that the use of amendments and activators for the management of nematodes had a positive influence on the agronomic characteristics of the crop; the applications of Tricho D + Micosplag + Bacthon in doses of 300 g + 200g + 1L / ha kept high the population densities of Helicotylenchus spp. in roots and soil; The treatment that reduced nematode populations in roots was the Douplus + Bionem mixture, doses of 1 liter + 250 cc and the nematicide Douplus + Bionem, a dose of 1 liter + 250 cc, intervened to obtain a profitable economic benefit with $ 4,542.25.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe investigation was established on the land of Hacienda “San José 2” owned by Mr. Armando Arregui Dávila, located at km 17 of the Babahoyo-La Unión highway, Los Ríos Province. Treatments based on amendments and biological activators such as Humigrowth in doses of 2 kg / ha were studied; Douplus + Bionem in doses of 1 liter + 250 cc / ha; Tricomix + Bionem, dose of 250 g + 250 cc / ha; Tricho D + Micosplag + Bacthon in doses of 300 g + 200g + 1L / ha; organic nematicide dose of 1 kg / ha; Verango (fluopyram) in doses of 1.2 L / ha and absolute control, without application of products for the management of nematodes in banana cultivation. The research was carried out to control the nematodes Radopholus, Helicotylenchus and Meloidogyne both in roots and in soil. The Experimental Design of "Completely Random Blocks" (DBCA) was used, consisting of 7 treatments and 4 repetitions, evaluated by means of the Tukey test at 95%. Each experimental unit consisted of 5 plants where + 3 clumps were taken, between 30 - 60 cm in height, which were marked with a ring to indicate which treatment it belongs to with its assigned color. Based on the results obtained, it was determined that the use of amendments and activators for the management of nematodes had a positive influence on the agronomic characteristics of the crop; the applications of Tricho D + Micosplag + Bacthon in doses of 300 g + 200g + 1L / ha kept high the population densities of Helicotylenchus spp. in roots and soil; The treatment that reduced nematode populations in roots was the Douplus + Bionem mixture, doses of 1 liter + 250 cc and the nematicide Douplus + Bionem, a dose of 1 liter + 250 cc, intervened to obtain a profitable economic benefit with $ 4,542.25.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa investigación se estableció en los terrenos de la Hacienda “San José 2” de propiedad del Sr. Armando Arregui Dávila, ubicada en el km 17 de la vía Babahoyo-La Unión, Provincia de Los Ríos. Se estudiaron tratamientos a base de enmiendas y activadores biológicos tales como Humigrowth en dosis de 2 kg/ha; Douplus + Bionem en dosis de 1 litro + 250 cc/ha; Tricomix + Bionem, dosis de 250 g + 250 cc/ha; Tricho D + Micosplag+ Bacthon en dosis de 300 g + 200g +1L/ha; nematicida orgánico dosis de 1 kg/ha; Verango (fluopyram) en dosis de 1,2 L/ha y el control absoluto, sin aplicación de productos para el manejo de nematodos en el cultivo de banano. La investigación se realizó para el control de los nematodos Radopholus, Helicotylenchus y Meloidogyne tanto en raíces como en suelo. Se utilizó el Diseño Experimental de “Bloques Completamente al Azar” (DBCA) constituido por 7 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones, evaluadas mediante la prueba de Tukey al 95 %. Cada unidad experimental estuvo constituida por 5 plantas donde se tomó matas + 3, entre 30 – 60 cm de altura, las cuales fueron marcadas con un anillo para indicar a que tratamiento pertenece con su debido color asignado. Por los resultados obtenidos se determinó que el uso de enmiendas y activadores para el manejo de nematodos influyó positivamente en las características agronómicas del cultivo; las aplicaciones de Tricho D + Micosplag + Bacthon en dosis de 300 g + 200g +1L/ha mantuvieron altas las densidades poblacionales de Helicotylenchus spp. en raíces y suelo; el tratamiento que redujo las poblaciones de nematodos en raíces fue la mezcla de Douplus + Bionem, dosis de 1 litro + 250 cc y el nematicida Douplus + Bionem, dosis de 1 litro + 250 cc intervino para que se obtenga beneficio económico rentable con $ 4542,25.es_ES
dc.format.extent100 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEnmiendas y Activadores biológicoses_ES
dc.titleUso de Enmiendas y Activadores Biológicos para el manejo de nematodos en el cultivo de banano (Musa AAA) zona Caracol, cantón Babahoyoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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