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dc.contributor.advisorMazacón Mora, Maite Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Vásquez, Damián Felipe
dc.descriptionA 54-year-old female patient went to the health center due to complications in her health with 2 months of evolution, indicating that she had a general malaise accompanied by night fever, weight loss, and productive cough with phlegm. When performing the physical examination, we observed dyspneic faces, she was oriented and consciously collaborated with all the questions asked, in the cardiopulmonary auscultation no murmurs were heard and it was rhythmic, she also presented vesicular murmur. Tuberculosis is a serious bacterial disease that can be fatal, its transmission mechanism occurs when the affected person coughs or sneezes, most people with this disease do not have symptoms, and when they present they are expectorated with blood, weight loss, night sweats, and fever. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease that occurs worldwide, but in tropical countries with low economic resources such as Ecuador it is especially important to know it since the rate of this is very high, due to the different factors that make the mortality of this disease be elevated.es_ES
dc.descriptionA 54-year-old female patient went to the health center due to complications in her health with 2 months of evolution, indicating that she had a general malaise accompanied by night fever, weight loss, and productive cough with phlegm. When performing the physical examination, we observed dyspneic faces, she was oriented and consciously collaborated with all the questions asked, in the cardiopulmonary auscultation no murmurs were heard and it was rhythmic, she also presented vesicular murmur. Tuberculosis is a serious bacterial disease that can be fatal, its transmission mechanism occurs when the affected person coughs or sneezes, most people with this disease do not have symptoms, and when they present they are expectorated with blood, weight loss, night sweats, and fever. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease that occurs worldwide, but in tropical countries with low economic resources such as Ecuador it is especially important to know it since the rate of this is very high, due to the different factors that make the mortality of this disease be elevated.es_ES
dc.description.abstractPaciente de sexo femenino de 54 años acude al centro de salud por presentar complicaciones en su salud con 2 meses de evolución, indica que tiene malestar general, aduce además fiebre nocturna, pérdida de peso, y tos productiva con flema. Al realizarle el examen físico observamos facies disneicas, se muestra orientada y consiente colabora con todas las preguntas realizadas, en la auscultación cardiopulmonar no se escucha soplos y es de forma rítmica, presenta además murmullo vesicular. La tuberculosis es una enfermedad bacteriana, grave que puede llegar a ser mortal, su mecanismo de transmisión, se da cuando la persona afectada tose o estornuda, la mayoría de las personas con esta enfermedad no tiene síntomas, y cuando las presenta son expectoración con sangre, pérdida de peso, sudores nocturnos y fiebre. La tuberculosis pulmonar es una enfermedad que se da mundialmente, pero en países tropicales y con bajos recursos económicos como el Ecuador es de especial importancia conocerla ya que el índice de esta, es muy alta, por los diferentes factores que hacen que la mortalidad de esta sea elevada.es_ES
dc.format.extent31 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectTuberculosis Pulmonares_ES
dc.subjectFiebre Nocturnaes_ES
dc.subjectPérdida de Pesoes_ES
dc.subjectExpectoración con sangrees_ES
dc.titlePaciente femenino de 54 años con tuberculosis pulmonar.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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