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dc.contributor.advisorOvaco Rodríguez, Alba Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorZúñiga Padilla, Stephany Micheld
dc.descriptionAnemia is the decrease of hemoglobin mass, this means that it happens when red blood cells are dysfunctional or when hemoglobin values are below 11 g/dl, hemoglobin is responsible for oxygen transport, when there is a decrease of this the erythrocyte can not capture oxygen properly and then distribute it throughout the body. There are different types of anemia, it is classified according to the amount of hemoglobin present in the blood, which is measured in; (g/dl). They are classified as: Mild anemia (10.1 - 10.9 g/dl) Moderate anemia (7.1 - 10.0 g/dl) Severe anemia (<7.0 g/dl). Anemia can be due to different causes, therefore, there are several types of anemia, however, in this clinical case we will focus on iron deficiency anemia which is quite common, its origin is due to the deficit of iron intake compared to the body's needs, or it can be caused when the body is not metabolizing the iron we consume correctly. The clinical case is about a 17-year-old adolescent girl, pregnant at 31 weeks of gestation, primigravida, who comes to the hospital unit because she presents anemic signs: generalized pallor, respiratory distress, lightheadedness, malaise. She is informed of the importance of her prompt hospitalization and that she deserves treatment as soon as possible. She agrees to be hospitalized and is given care and application of the nursing care process.es_ES
dc.descriptionAnemia is the decrease of hemoglobin mass, this means that it happens when red blood cells are dysfunctional or when hemoglobin values are below 11 g/dl, hemoglobin is responsible for oxygen transport, when there is a decrease of this the erythrocyte can not capture oxygen properly and then distribute it throughout the body. There are different types of anemia, it is classified according to the amount of hemoglobin present in the blood, which is measured in; (g/dl). They are classified as: Mild anemia (10.1 - 10.9 g/dl) Moderate anemia (7.1 - 10.0 g/dl) Severe anemia (<7.0 g/dl). Anemia can be due to different causes, therefore, there are several types of anemia, however, in this clinical case we will focus on iron deficiency anemia which is quite common, its origin is due to the deficit of iron intake compared to the body's needs, or it can be caused when the body is not metabolizing the iron we consume correctly. The clinical case is about a 17-year-old adolescent girl, pregnant at 31 weeks of gestation, primigravida, who comes to the hospital unit because she presents anemic signs: generalized pallor, respiratory distress, lightheadedness, malaise. She is informed of the importance of her prompt hospitalization and that she deserves treatment as soon as possible. She agrees to be hospitalized and is given care and application of the nursing care process.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa anemia es la disminución de la masa de hemoglobina, esto quiere decir que sucede cuando los glóbulos rojos son disfuncionales o cuando los valores de hemoglobina están por debajo de 11 g/dl, ja hemoglobina se encarga del transporte de oxígeno, cuando existe una disminución de esta el eritrocito no puede captar el oxígeno apropiadamente para luego distribuirlo a todo el cuerpo. Existen diferentes tipos de anemia, esta va a clasificar según la cantidad presente de hemoglobina en sangre, la cual es medida en; (g/dl). Se clasifican en: Anemia leve (10,1 – 10,9 g/dl) Anemia moderada (7,1 – 10,0 g/dl) Anemia severa (<7,0 g/dl). La anemia se puede deber a diferentes causas, por ende, hay varios tipos de anemia, a pesar de ello, en este caso clínico nos enfocaremos en la anemia ferropénica la cual es bastante frecuente, su origen es debido al déficit de ingesta de hierro en comparación a las necesidades del organismo, o puede ocasionarse cuando el organismo no está metabolizando de forma correcta el hierro que consumimos. El caso clínico se trata sobre una adolescente de 17 años de edad, embarazada con 31 semanas de gestación, primigesta la cual acude a la unidad hospitalaria ya que presenta signos anémicos: palidez generalizada, dificultad respiratoria, aturdimiento, malestar. Se le comunica sobre la importancia de su pronta hospitalización y que amerita el tratamiento lo más pronto posible, la cual accede a su hospitalización y se le brinda cuidados y aplicación del proceso de atención de enfermería.es_ES
dc.format.extent39 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAnemia ferropénicaes_ES
dc.subjectDieta saludablees_ES
dc.titleProceso atención de enfermería en adolescente embarazada con anemia ferropénica.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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