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dc.contributor.advisorBedoya Vásquez, Rosa Mercedes
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Gaibor, Alyson Roxana
dc.descriptionCovid-19 viral infection is a new pathology, found in early December 2019, in a group of people who came to care homes for presenting acute respiratory picture generated by unpoeized bilateral atypical pneumonia in Wuhan City, Hubei, China, by early next year had already become a health pandemic today there are more than 49,134,604 confirmed cases in the Americas; (PAHO, 2021). For the origins of the pandemic it was revealed that the Ecuadorian state was registered as the third country in Latin America to report a case of acute respiratory failure by SARS – Cov 2, after this it was revealed that Ecuador's health system is not adapted to deal with major health problems, since after its first confirmed case it has been shown that the hasty increase of new cases by SARS infection – Cov 2 has been shown. This case study is directed at a 45-year-old male patient entering the syntomatological box emergency area characterized by medium-effort dyspnoea, myalgias, a dry cough of several days of evolution, chest oppression, pyrexia, severe headache throat pain, anosmia and dysgeusia, with saturating 87%, is entered and evaluated by treating doctor who diagnosed acute respiratory failure and positivity for PCR , SARS – Cov 2 in nasopharyngeal exudate, was transferred to the intensive care unit for clinical and respiratory management. The nursing care process was applied with a care plan prioritizing the needs of the patient with interventions that guarantee recovery and integration to his society, it should be emphasized that the fulfillment of the objectives was achieved with favorable results during hospitalization, was valued by a nurse and received discharge under stable conditions.es_ES
dc.descriptionCovid-19 viral infection is a new pathology, found in early December 2019, in a group of people who came to care homes for presenting acute respiratory picture generated by unpoeized bilateral atypical pneumonia in Wuhan City, Hubei, China, by early next year had already become a health pandemic today there are more than 49,134,604 confirmed cases in the Americas; (PAHO, 2021). For the origins of the pandemic it was revealed that the Ecuadorian state was registered as the third country in Latin America to report a case of acute respiratory failure by SARS – Cov 2, after this it was revealed that Ecuador's health system is not adapted to deal with major health problems, since after its first confirmed case it has been shown that the hasty increase of new cases by SARS infection – Cov 2 has been shown. This case study is directed at a 45-year-old male patient entering the syntomatological box emergency area characterized by medium-effort dyspnoea, myalgias, a dry cough of several days of evolution, chest oppression, pyrexia, severe headache throat pain, anosmia and dysgeusia, with saturating 87%, is entered and evaluated by treating doctor who diagnosed acute respiratory failure and positivity for PCR , SARS – Cov 2 in nasopharyngeal exudate, was transferred to the intensive care unit for clinical and respiratory management. The nursing care process was applied with a care plan prioritizing the needs of the patient with interventions that guarantee recovery and integration to his society, it should be emphasized that the fulfillment of the objectives was achieved with favorable results during hospitalization, was valued by a nurse and received discharge under stable conditions.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa infección viral por Covid-19 es una patología nueva, hallada a principios de diciembre del 2019, en un grupo de personas que acudieron a casas asistenciales por presentar cuadro respiratorio agudo generado por neumonía atípica bilateral sin causa especifica en la ciudad de Wuhan, Hubei, China, para inicios del próximo año ya se había convertido en pandemia sanitaria hoy en día existen más de 49.134.604 de casos confirmados en las américas; (OPS, 2021). Para los orígenes de la pandemia se dio a conocer que el estado ecuatoriano fue registrado como el tercer país de Latinoamérica en reportar un caso de insuficiencia respiratoria aguda por SARS – Cov 2, posterior a esto se revelo que el sistema de salud del Ecuador no está adaptado para afrontar problemas sanitarios de grandes magnitudes, ya que posterior a su primer caso confirmado se ha evidenciado el aumento precipitado de casos nuevos por infección de SARS – Cov 2. El presente estudio de caso está dirigido en un paciente de sexo masculino de 45 años de edad que ingresa por el área de emergencia por cuadro sintomatológico caracterizado por disnea de medianos esfuerzos, mialgias, tos seca de varios días de evolución, opresión torácica, pirexia, cefalea intensa dolor de garganta, anosmia y disgeusia, con saturando 87%, es ingresado y evaluado por médico tratante quien diagnostico cuadro de insuficiencia respiratoria aguda y positividad para PCR, SARS – Cov 2 en exudado nasofaríngeo, fue trasladado a la unidad de cuidados intensivos para su manejo clínico y respiratorio. Se aplicó el proceso de atención de enfermería con un plan de cuidados priorizando las necesidades del paciente con intervenciones que garanticen la recuperación e integración a su sociedad, cabe recalcar que se logró el cumplimiento de los objetivos con resultados favorables durante la hospitalización, fue valorado por médico intensivista y recibió alta en condiciones estables.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectInsuficiencia respiratoria agudaes_ES
dc.subjectSARS – Cov 2es_ES
dc.subjectProceso de Atención de Enfermeríaes_ES
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería en paciente de 45 años con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda por Covid – 19.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador