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dc.contributor.advisorYomara Paola, Haz Cadena
dc.contributor.authorMartinez Portero, Maria de los Angeles
dc.descriptionEcuador has presented during the last 3 years of government an economic slowdown due to various factors, for the year 2020 with the arrival of the pandemic by Sars Cov - 02 with the cessation of productive activities nationwide in other parts of the globe, gave step to an unprecedented event, whose only close comparison was the great depression of 1929. The objective of this case study is to analyze whether this particular event in history generated an evolution, contraction or stagnation in the so-called productive portfolio provided by the system Ecuadorian public financier. For this case, the institution BanEcuador has been taken, a public development bank dedicated to promoting the production of national entrepreneurship and industries. For this, the financial documents that it provides as a transparency action are used where it can be concluded that it has remained in a prominent stagnation and a slowdown led by the productive unemployment due to pandemics.es_ES
dc.descriptionEcuador has presented during the last 3 years of government an economic slowdown due to various factors, for the year 2020 with the arrival of the pandemic by Sars Cov - 02 with the cessation of productive activities nationwide in other parts of the globe, gave step to an unprecedented event, whose only close comparison was the great depression of 1929. The objective of this case study is to analyze whether this particular event in history generated an evolution, contraction or stagnation in the so-called productive portfolio provided by the system Ecuadorian public financier. For this case, the institution BanEcuador has been taken, a public development bank dedicated to promoting the production of national entrepreneurship and industries. For this, the financial documents that it provides as a transparency action are used where it can be concluded that it has remained in a prominent stagnation and a slowdown led by the productive unemployment due to pandemics.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEcuador ha presentado durante los últimos 3 años de gobierno una desaceleración económica debido a diversos factores, para el año 2020 con la llegada de la pandemia por el Sars Cov – 02 con el cese de actividades productivas a nivel nacional en otras partes del globo, dio paso a un hecho sin precedentes, cuyo único comparativo cercano fue la gran depresión de 1929. El objetivo de este estudio de caso es analizar si este evento particular de la historia genero una evolución, contracción o estancamiento en la llamada cartera productiva que aporta el sistema financiero publico ecuatoriano. Para este caso se ha tomado a la institución BanEcuador, banco público de desarrollo dedicado al impulso de la producción de los emprendimiento e industrias nacionales. Para esto se utilizan los documentos financieros que brinda como acción de transparencia donde se puede concluir que se ha mantenido en un prominente estancamiento y una desaceleración conducida por el paro productivo por motivo pandémicos.es_ES
dc.format.extent29 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCartera productivaes_ES
dc.subjectFinanzas públicases_ES
dc.subjectParo productivoes_ES
dc.titleAnálisis de la variación en la medición de la cartera productiva en tiempo de pandemia y su afectación en la institución financiera BanEcuador en la ciudad de Babahoyo de las calles 9 de Octubre y Eloy Alfraro durante el periodo 2020es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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