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dc.contributor.advisorBustamante Cruz, Rosa Erlinda
dc.contributor.authorMalla Flores, Stefany Carolina
dc.descriptionThe current case study in a 55-year-old patient for renal failure for which he was admitted through the emergency area, presenting a clinical picture with dyspnea, did not refer to the print, is tachypneic, tachycardic, hypotensive, presenting hyperthermia and pain in the lumbar area, within his pathological antecedents it is found that he is hypertensive, diabetic and diagnosed with bronchitis 11 years ago, gastritis, a history of alcoholism 15 years ago and does not smoke. In conclusion, in this case study the nursing care process was applied to a dialysis patient due to chronic renal failure. Once this pertinent case study was carried out in this dialysis patient, the care process was applied, which was vital for the improvement of the clinical and symptomatological picture that he presented when he arrived at the health care home where he presented hemodynamic instability, the diagnosis was made where it was determined to perform hemodialysis, in this case the nursing care process was successfully applied, a theoretical foundation such as the taxonomy of (NANDA, NOC, NIC) was used, Henderson's theory that contributed to the effective diagnosis, it was possible to use In order to accurately determine the degree of affection of the pathology, finally it was possible to design nursing care plans, also highlighted the nursing work that was fundamental above all in education that is obtained in the health area in order to promote in the patient self-care and improve the lifestyle of each patient improve their day-to-day coexistence to reduce risk factors I guess they can lead to major complications.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe current case study in a 55-year-old patient for renal failure for which he was admitted through the emergency area, presenting a clinical picture with dyspnea, did not refer to the print, is tachypneic, tachycardic, hypotensive, presenting hyperthermia and pain in the lumbar area, within his pathological antecedents it is found that he is hypertensive, diabetic and diagnosed with bronchitis 11 years ago, gastritis, a history of alcoholism 15 years ago and does not smoke. In conclusion, in this case study the nursing care process was applied to a dialysis patient due to chronic renal failure. Once this pertinent case study was carried out in this dialysis patient, the care process was applied, which was vital for the improvement of the clinical and symptomatological picture that he presented when he arrived at the health care home where he presented hemodynamic instability, the diagnosis was made where it was determined to perform hemodialysis, in this case the nursing care process was successfully applied, a theoretical foundation such as the taxonomy of (NANDA, NOC, NIC) was used, Henderson's theory that contributed to the effective diagnosis, it was possible to use In order to accurately determine the degree of affection of the pathology, finally it was possible to design nursing care plans, also highlighted the nursing work that was fundamental above all in education that is obtained in the health area in order to promote in the patient self-care and improve the lifestyle of each patient improve their day-to-day coexistence to reduce risk factors I guess they can lead to major complications.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl actual estudio de caso en un paciente de 55 años de edad dializado por insuficiencia renal por el cual ha ingresado por el área de emergencia, presentando un cuadro clínico con disnea, no refiere tiraje, se encuentra taquipneico, taquicárdico, hipotenso, presentando hipertermia y dolor en la zona lumbar, dentro de sus antecedentes patológicos se encuentran que es hipertenso, diabético y diagnosticado con bronquitis hace 11 años, gastritis, antecedentes de alcoholismo hace 15 años y no fuma. En conclusión, en este estudio de caso se aplicó el proceso de atención de enfermería en paciente dializado por insuficiencia renal crónica. Una vez realizado este estudio de caso pertinente en este paciente dializado se aplica el proceso de atención el cual fue vital para el mejoramiento del cuadro clínico y sintomatológico que presentó al llegar a la casa de salud asistencial donde presentó inestabilidad hemodinámica, se le realizó el diagnóstico definitivo donde se determinó realizar hemodiálisis, en este caso se aplicó con éxito el proceso atención de enfermería, se utilizó fundamento teórico como la taxonomía de (NANDA, NOC, NIC), la teoría de Henderson que aportó en el diagnóstico eficaz, se logró emplear para determinar con exactitud el grado de afección de la patología, por último se logró diseñar planes de atención de enfermería, además resaltó la labor de enfermería que fue fundamental más que todo en educación que se obtiene en el área de salud para esta manera promover en el paciente un autocuidado y mejorar el estilo de vida de cada paciente mejorar su día a día de convivencia para disminuir los factores de riesgo que pueden llevar a complicaciones mayores.es_ES
dc.format.extent31 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectInsuficiencia Renales_ES
dc.titleProceso atención enfermería en paciente dializado por insuficiencia renal crónica.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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