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dc.contributor.advisorYupa Pallchisaca, Ana Emperatriz
dc.contributor.authorSegovia Ali, Stefany Mariela
dc.descriptionPolyhydramnios is a pathology that occurs in 1 to 2% of pregnant women and consists of the excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus in utero bringing with it obstetric complications such as uterine atony, presentation dystocia, cord prolapse among others of which maternal and perinatal death is the one we wish to reduce today. For this reason, the writing of this report is motivated based on the case of a 13 year old patient with a pregnancy of +/- 36.6 weeks of gestation who came for gynecological consultation at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Hospital referred from a first level health center. Taking into account the patient's predisposing factors, as in this case, urinary tract infection, which increases the probability of greater complications and a less favorable outcome. An accurate and timely diagnosis is recommended by applying simple practices such as measuring the uterine height which does not help accurately but indicates an abnormality in the case of a single fetus and adding ultrasound which, being an imaging tool, gives us a definitive diagnosis.es_ES
dc.descriptionPolyhydramnios is a pathology that occurs in 1 to 2% of pregnant women and consists of the excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus in utero bringing with it obstetric complications such as uterine atony, presentation dystocia, cord prolapse among others of which maternal and perinatal death is the one we wish to reduce today. For this reason, the writing of this report is motivated based on the case of a 13 year old patient with a pregnancy of +/- 36.6 weeks of gestation who came for gynecological consultation at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Hospital referred from a first level health center. Taking into account the patient's predisposing factors, as in this case, urinary tract infection, which increases the probability of greater complications and a less favorable outcome. An accurate and timely diagnosis is recommended by applying simple practices such as measuring the uterine height which does not help accurately but indicates an abnormality in the case of a single fetus and adding ultrasound which, being an imaging tool, gives us a definitive diagnosis.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl polihidramnios es un patología que se presenta del 1 al 2% en las gestantes y consiste en la acumulación excesiva de liquido amniótico que rodea al feto en útero trayendo consigo complicaciones obstétricas como atonía uterina, distocia de presentación, prolapso de cordón entre otras de la cuales la muerte materna y perinatal es la que hoy en día se desea disminuir. Por esta razón se motiva la redacción de este informe en base al caso de una paciente de 13 años con embarazo de +/- 36.6 semanas de gestación que acudió a consulta ginecológica en Hospital Sagrado Corazón de Jesús referida de centro de salud de I nivel. Teniendo en cuenta los factores predisponentes que tenga la paciente como en este caso es la infección de vías urinarias que aumenta las probabilidades de mayores complicaciones y un desenlace no tan favorable. Se recomienda un acertado y oportuno diagnostico aplicando practicas sencillas como la medición de altura uterina la cual no ayuda de manera precisa pero nos indica una anormalidad al tratarse de un feto único y añadiendo la ecografía que al ser una herramienta de imagen nos da un diagnostico definitivo.es_ES
dc.format.extent40 pes_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleConducta obstétrica en primigesta adolescente de 13 años de edad embarazada de 36,6 semanas con polihidramnioses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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