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dc.contributor.advisorMaldonado Santacruz, Fulton Estenio
dc.contributor.authorToaza Santillán, Evelyn Cecilia
dc.descriptionThe study of this clinical case is based on an adult patient of 54 years of age who enters a health home in the emergency area presenting respiratory difficulty that is determined as the inability of the respiratory system to maintain an adequate balance of the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, This morbidity is one of the most frequent reasons to get to the emergency room and move to the intensive care area. Due to the patient’s symptoms, acute respiratory failure is suspected, which is why care is provided by therapeutic methods, processes and treatments; to then determine the existence of acute respiratory failure type 1, After detecting these problems, the non-invasive mechanical ventilation method is performed to improve the symptomatological picture. The objective of this case is to identify the epidemiological profile for treating patients with acute respiratory failure type 1 in non-invasive mechanical ventilation, the purpose of explaining the process of attention of respiratory therapy with the necessary care to obtain an effective improvement. It is recommended that if any signs or symptoms occur no matter how slight it may be to appear before a health professional so as not to suffer subsequent complications.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe study of this clinical case is based on an adult patient of 54 years of age who enters a health home in the emergency area presenting respiratory difficulty that is determined as the inability of the respiratory system to maintain an adequate balance of the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, This morbidity is one of the most frequent reasons to get to the emergency room and move to the intensive care area. Due to the patient’s symptoms, acute respiratory failure is suspected, which is why care is provided by therapeutic methods, processes and treatments; to then determine the existence of acute respiratory failure type 1, After detecting these problems, the non-invasive mechanical ventilation method is performed to improve the symptomatological picture. The objective of this case is to identify the epidemiological profile for treating patients with acute respiratory failure type 1 in non-invasive mechanical ventilation, the purpose of explaining the process of attention of respiratory therapy with the necessary care to obtain an effective improvement. It is recommended that if any signs or symptoms occur no matter how slight it may be to appear before a health professional so as not to suffer subsequent complications.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl estudio de este caso clínico se fundamenta en un paciente adulto de 54 años de edad que ingresa en una casa de salud en el área de emergencia presentando dificultad respiratoria que se determina como la incapacidad del aparato respiratorio para mantener un equilibrio adecuado del intercambio gaseoso de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono, esta morbilidad es una de las razones más frecuentes para llegar al área de urgencias y pasar al área de cuidados intensivos. Por los síntomas que presenta el paciente se sospecha de una insuficiencia respiratoria aguda por lo cual se procede a brindar atención mediante métodos, procesos y tratamientos terapéuticos; para luego determinar la existencia de la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda de tipo 1, después de detectar estos problemas se procede a realizar el método de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva para mejor su cuadro sintomatológico. El objetivo de este caso es identificar el perfil epidemiológico para tratar pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda tipo 1 en ventilación mecánica no invasiva, siendo así el propósito explicar el proceso de atención de terapia respiratoria con los cuidados necesarios para obtener una mejoría eficaz. Es recomendable que si se presenta algún signos o síntomas por más ligero que sea presentarse ante un profesional de la salud para no sufrir complicaciones posteriores.es_ES
dc.format.extent25 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectInsuficiencia respiratoriaes_ES
dc.subjectVentilación Mecánica No Invasivaes_ES
dc.subjectTerapia respiratoriaes_ES
dc.titlePaciente de 54 años con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda tipo 1 en ventilación mecánica no invasiva.es_ES

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