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dc.contributor.advisorMartin Estévez, Lizette
dc.contributor.authorVeloz Mosquera, Celina Josefina
dc.descriptionIn Ecuador, in 2014, 3,777 deaths were recorded due to vascular brain diseases, with a rate corresponding to 23.17%. Due to the incidence of cases of cerebrovascular disease in the population of Ecuador, which is considered one of the diseases that occupy the first ranges of mortality, it was decided to conduct a clinical case study (Ortiz Garcia, 2018). Cerebral vascular diseases present with symptoms of focal or general brain damage. It occurs when a blood clot blocks one of the blood vessels of the brain, where patients enter a state of coma or die (Arana Chacon , Uribe Uribe, Muñoz Berrio, Salinas Duran, & Celis Mejia, 2020). Vascular brain diseases are classified as: ischemic and hemorrhagic; ischemic lasts less than 24 hours and hemorrhagic presents as a subarachnoid or intracerebral hemorrhage. Pharmacological treatment will depend on the symptoms and observation of complementary examinations (Arauz & Ruiz , 2015). In the present clinical case, the patient is an adult male of 52 years of age with a medical diagnosis of ischemic stroke. A study will be conducted with the data collected to analyze the patient's evolution after the nursing interventions.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn Ecuador, in 2014, 3,777 deaths were recorded due to vascular brain diseases, with a rate corresponding to 23.17%. Due to the incidence of cases of cerebrovascular disease in the population of Ecuador, which is considered one of the diseases that occupy the first ranges of mortality, it was decided to conduct a clinical case study (Ortiz Garcia, 2018). Cerebral vascular diseases present with symptoms of focal or general brain damage. It occurs when a blood clot blocks one of the blood vessels of the brain, where patients enter a state of coma or die (Arana Chacon , Uribe Uribe, Muñoz Berrio, Salinas Duran, & Celis Mejia, 2020). Vascular brain diseases are classified as: ischemic and hemorrhagic; ischemic lasts less than 24 hours and hemorrhagic presents as a subarachnoid or intracerebral hemorrhage. Pharmacological treatment will depend on the symptoms and observation of complementary examinations (Arauz & Ruiz , 2015). In the present clinical case, the patient is an adult male of 52 years of age with a medical diagnosis of ischemic stroke. A study will be conducted with the data collected to analyze the patient's evolution after the nursing interventions.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn ecuador en el año 2014 se registraron 3 777 muertes por enfermedades cerebros vasculares con una tasa correspondiente al 23,17%. Debido a la incidencia de casos de enfermedades cerebro vasculares en la población de Ecuador y que es considerada una de las enfermedades que ocupan los primeros rangos de mortalidad, se decide realizar un estudio de caso clínico (Ortiz Garcia, 2018). Las enfermedades cerebros vasculares se presentan con sintomatologías de daño cerebral focales o general. Se produce cuando un coagulo de sangre bloquea uno de los vasos sanguíneos del cerebro, donde pacientes entran en estado de coma o mueren (Arana Chacon, Uribe Uribe, Muñoz Berrio, Salinas Duran, & Celis Mejia, 2020). Las enfermedades cerebros vasculares se clasifican en: isquémico y hemorrágico; el isquémico su duración es inferior a 24 horas y el hemorrágico se presenta como una hemorragia subaracnoidea o intracerebral. El tratamiento farmacológico va a depender según la sintomatología y observación de exámenes complementarios (Arauz & Ruiz , 2015). En presente caso clínico es de un paciente adulto, de sexo masculino de 52 años de edad que se encuentra con diagnostico medico de accidente cerebro vascular isquémico, del cual se realzara un estudio con los datos recopilados para analizar la evolución del paciente después de haber realizado las intervenciones de enfermería.es_ES
dc.format.extent52 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería en paciente de 52 años de edad con enfermedad cerebro vascular isquémica.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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