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dc.contributor.advisorAcosta Gaibor, Mónica Patricia
dc.contributor.authorJunco Vera, Bryan Iván
dc.descriptionDiabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin and the body cannot use it effectively, genetic and environmental factors are related to the development of diabetes which is a fast-growing disease, according to a World Health Organization report, the number of people worldwide has increased from 115 million to 420 million in 2016. The present clinical case is about a 67-year-old female patient with a personal pathological background to suffer from Dibaetes Mellitus, refers that during the last days she began to present a picture of feelings of excessive thirst that does not subside with the intake of liquids, in addition to referring that she performed many urinations and the most worrying symptoms was the development of the difficulty of degluting semi-consolidated foods , after this she has drowsiness and hours later goes to emergency with a state of impaired consciousness. Through clinical, pathological and anthropometric correlations, diabetic and overweight ketoacidosis can be diagnosed, and an appropriate nutrition plan can be formulated for the diagnosis of patients to provide adequate nutrition to them, to prevent, delay or stop microvascular and macrovascular complications, the necessary equipment must be available for optimal blood sugar control , lipids and blood pressure. It is very important that as future nurses we apply the nursing care process, which will help us implement a systematic and organized approach to provide each individual with personalized care, with skills and skills acquired correctly during pre-professional preparation, nursing care is one of the potential tools in terms of early complication detection , and humanized care with moral and ethical principles that are evidenced in the care of each individual who suffers from a state of vulnerability of his state of health.es_ES
dc.descriptionDiabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin and the body cannot use it effectively, genetic and environmental factors are related to the development of diabetes which is a fast-growing disease, according to a World Health Organization report, the number of people worldwide has increased from 115 million to 420 million in 2016. The present clinical case is about a 67-year-old female patient with a personal pathological background to suffer from Dibaetes Mellitus, refers that during the last days she began to present a picture of feelings of excessive thirst that does not subside with the intake of liquids, in addition to referring that she performed many urinations and the most worrying symptoms was the development of the difficulty of degluting semi-consolidated foods , after this she has drowsiness and hours later goes to emergency with a state of impaired consciousness. Through clinical, pathological and anthropometric correlations, diabetic and overweight ketoacidosis can be diagnosed, and an appropriate nutrition plan can be formulated for the diagnosis of patients to provide adequate nutrition to them, to prevent, delay or stop microvascular and macrovascular complications, the necessary equipment must be available for optimal blood sugar control , lipids and blood pressure. It is very important that as future nurses we apply the nursing care process, which will help us implement a systematic and organized approach to provide each individual with personalized care, with skills and skills acquired correctly during pre-professional preparation, nursing care is one of the potential tools in terms of early complication detection , and humanized care with moral and ethical principles that are evidenced in the care of each individual who suffers from a state of vulnerability of his state of health.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa diabetes es una enfermedad crónica que ocurre cuando el páncreas no puede producir suficiente insulina y el cuerpo no puede usar la de manera efectiva, los factores genéticos y ambientales están relacionados con el desarrollo de la diabetes que es una enfermedad de rápido crecimiento según informe de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el número de personas en todo el mundo ha aumentado de 115 millones a 420 millones en 2016. El caso clinico presente trata de una paciente de sexo femenino de 67 años con antecedente patológico personales de padecer de diabetes mellitus, refiere que durante los últimos dias empezó a presentar sed insaciable que no cedia con la ingesta de liquidos, ademas refirio que realizaba muchas micciones y el sintomas mas preocupante fue el desarrollo de la dificultad para deglutir alimentos semisolidos, posterior a esto presenta somnolencia y horas después acude a emergencia trasladada en ambulancia con estado de alteración de conciencia previo a su ingreso fue valorada donde se observo deterioro neurológico más dificultad respiratoria con respuesta a estimulos dolorosos, una vez realizada las valoraciones clínicas y exámenes complementarios correspondientes fue ingresada por el area de emergencia con diagnóstico medico de cetoacidosis diabética, posterior a la estabilizacion de sus constants vitals y estado hemodinamica, se procedio a preparar a la paciente para el traslado con pase a medicina interna donde se realizaron controles y seguimientos aplicando los debidos cuidados acorde a su patología presente debido a la vulnerabilidad de su estado de salud el personal en enfermería, determino las intervenciones de manera priorizada acorde a las necesidades que se presentaron durante su hospitalizacion con un trascurso de 8 dias hasta la mejoria de su condicion clinica, posterior a esto recibió alta medica con información apropiada, referente a la patología presentada, y educación en salud sobre la importancia del manejo de la diabetes mellitus ademas se alentó a la paciente a que acuda a los controles para prevenir futuras complicaciones se le realizo una derivación a su centro de salud más cercano.es_ES
dc.format.extent39 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCetoaciosis diabéticaes_ES
dc.subjectDiabetes mellituses_ES
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería a paciente de 67 años con cetoacidosis diabéticaes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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