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dc.contributor.advisorParedes Tobar, Javier
dc.contributor.authorMayorga Sandoya, Daily Ginett
dc.descriptionRemuneration that a company (in the broad sense of the word) is able to give to the different elements made available to it to carry out its economic activity. It is a measure of the effectiveness and efficiency in the use of these financial, productive and human elements. The Villacrés commercial is located in the CENTRAL COAST, in the Province of Los Ríos, in the city of VENTANAS, it has been conceived since its inception to support the agricultural development of the agro-productive area of influence, it has been in the market for 13 years, It started its activity with a small investment and is currently considered one of the commercial companies with the highest demand. Its mission is to collect cereals and oilseeds to give the appropriate treatment. This case study aims to analyze the profitability of Comercial Villacrés during the 2018 - 2019 period through a horizontal and vertical analysis of the different accounts that are in the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Comprehensive Income during the mentioned years, in which the financial indices will also be applied, but essentially the methods that will allow determining the economic performance of Comercial Villacrés. Despite obtaining important values in terms of gross income, which in the two periods subject to analysis (2018 and 2019) exceeds three million US dollars, however, the profitability margin is lower than normally expected based on to the economic and financial efforts made.es_ES
dc.descriptionRemuneration that a company (in the broad sense of the word) is able to give to the different elements made available to it to carry out its economic activity. It is a measure of the effectiveness and efficiency in the use of these financial, productive and human elements. The Villacrés commercial is located in the CENTRAL COAST, in the Province of Los Ríos, in the city of VENTANAS, it has been conceived since its inception to support the agricultural development of the agro-productive area of influence, it has been in the market for 13 years, It started its activity with a small investment and is currently considered one of the commercial companies with the highest demand. Its mission is to collect cereals and oilseeds to give the appropriate treatment. This case study aims to analyze the profitability of Comercial Villacrés during the 2018 - 2019 period through a horizontal and vertical analysis of the different accounts that are in the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Comprehensive Income during the mentioned years, in which the financial indices will also be applied, but essentially the methods that will allow determining the economic performance of Comercial Villacrés. Despite obtaining important values in terms of gross income, which in the two periods subject to analysis (2018 and 2019) exceeds three million US dollars, however, the profitability margin is lower than normally expected based on to the economic and financial efforts made.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa rentabilidad es la remuneración que una empresa (en sentido amplio de la palabra) es capaz de dar a los distintos elementos puestos a su disposición para desarrollar su actividad económica. Es una medida de la eficacia y eficiencia en el uso de esos elementos tanto financieros, como productivos como humanos. El comercial Villacrés está ubicado en el LITORAL CENTRAL, en la Provincia de Los Ríos, en la ciudad de VENTANAS, está concebida desde su inició para brindar apoyo al desarrollo agrícola de la zona de influencia agro-productiva, lleva 13 años en el mercado, inició su actividad con una pequeña inversión y en la actualidad es considerado como uno de los comerciales con mayor demanda. Tiene como misión el acopio de cereales y oleaginosas para dar el tratamiento adecuado. El presente estudio de caso pretende analizar la rentabilidad del Comercial Villacrés durante el periodo 2018 – 2019 a través de una análisis horizontal y vertical de las diferentes cuentas que se hallan en el Estado de Situación Financiera y el Estado de Resultados Integral durante los años mencionados, en los cuales también se aplicarán los índices financieros, pero esencialmente los métodos que permitirán determinar el rendimiento económico del Comercial Villacrés. Pese a obtener valores importantes en cuanto a ingresos brutos, los cuales en los dos periodos sujetos al análisis (año 2018 y 2019) superan los tres millones de dólares americanos, sin embargo, el margen de rentabilidad es inferior al que normalmente se esperaría en función a los esfuerzos económicos y financieros realizados.es_ES
dc.format.extent25 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAnálisis financieroes_ES
dc.titleAnálisis de la rentabilidad del Comercial Villacres años 2018 y 2019es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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