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dc.contributor.advisorDíaz Romero, Orlando
dc.contributor.authorCortez Carpio, Lenin Wilson
dc.descriptionSoy is a legume of Asian origin, its composition is high protein content and medium fat, consumed as a source of nutrients in human food and in recent decades it has been used as an important input to produce feed for livestock on a larger scale of poultry and pigs. In human nutrition, it is consumed in its basic form of grass or in processed foods such as flavor additives, soy meat, oils are extracted due to their fat content, it is highly recommended. There is also activity in the soybean meal production industry and its derivatives. Currently, the results obtained in the survey and analysis of information for the year 2016 indicate that the national average objective yield of soybeans was 2.02 tons per hectare. Through the development of this document, it is intended to publicize the diagnosis of soybean planting systems in the Pueblo Nuevo area, in order to provide relevant information that defines the importance of the types of crops in soybean cultivation. Ignorance of the sowing systems and their importance is the main problem during the development of the crop and execution of the cultural tasks, because it influences the yield, nutritional content and planting population. The planting density will depend on the variety of soybeans and the type of planting required. Currently in soybean cultivation, various sowing systems stand out, the main ones being direct sowing by row or furrow and broadcast, which is distributed evenly by the machinery. In the same way, manual sowing is carried out where a greater quantity of seed is required. In the case that three or four seeds are sown, it is necessary to clarify afterwards, in order to leave vigorous soybean plants. In turn, prior to sowing, the seed must be selected, choosing the one that is in the best conditions in order to improve the quality of the soybean. Among the main alternatives is the recognition of the area to be sown or available for soybean cultivation.es_ES
dc.descriptionSoy is a legume of Asian origin, its composition is high protein content and medium fat, consumed as a source of nutrients in human food and in recent decades it has been used as an important input to produce feed for livestock on a larger scale of poultry and pigs. In human nutrition, it is consumed in its basic form of grass or in processed foods such as flavor additives, soy meat, oils are extracted due to their fat content, it is highly recommended. There is also activity in the soybean meal production industry and its derivatives. Currently, the results obtained in the survey and analysis of information for the year 2016 indicate that the national average objective yield of soybeans was 2.02 tons per hectare. Through the development of this document, it is intended to publicize the diagnosis of soybean planting systems in the Pueblo Nuevo area, in order to provide relevant information that defines the importance of the types of crops in soybean cultivation. Ignorance of the sowing systems and their importance is the main problem during the development of the crop and execution of the cultural tasks, because it influences the yield, nutritional content and planting population. The planting density will depend on the variety of soybeans and the type of planting required. Currently in soybean cultivation, various sowing systems stand out, the main ones being direct sowing by row or furrow and broadcast, which is distributed evenly by the machinery. In the same way, manual sowing is carried out where a greater quantity of seed is required. In the case that three or four seeds are sown, it is necessary to clarify afterwards, in order to leave vigorous soybean plants. In turn, prior to sowing, the seed must be selected, choosing the one that is in the best conditions in order to improve the quality of the soybean. Among the main alternatives is the recognition of the area to be sown or available for soybean cultivation.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa soya es una leguminosa de origen asiático, su composición es de alto contenido proteínico y graso medio, consumida como fuente de nutrientes en la alimentación humana y en las últimas décadas se ha venido empleando como importante insumo para producir alimento para el ganado en mayor escala de avícola y porcino. En la nutrición humana se consume en su forma básica de gramínea o en procesados tales como aditivos de sabor, carne de soya, se extrae aceites por sus contenidos grasos es muy recomendado. También existe actividad en la industria de producción de harina de soya y sus derivados. En la actualidad los resultados obtenidos en el levantamiento y análisis de información para el año 2016 indican que el rendimiento objetivo promedio nacional de soya fue de 2.02 toneladas por hectárea. Mediante el desarrollo de este documento se pretende dar a conocer el diagnóstico de los sistemas de siembra de soya en la zona de Pueblo Nuevo, con la finalidad de brindar información relevante que defina la importancia de los tipos de siembra en el cultivo de soya. El desconocimiento de los sistemas de siembra y su importancia es el principal problema durante el desarrollo del cultivo y ejecución de las labores culturales, debido a que influye en el rendimiento, contenido nutricional y población de siembra. La densidad de siembra dependerá la variedad de soya y del tipo de siembra que se requiere. En la actualidad en el cultivo de soya se destacan diversos sistemas de siembra siendo las principales la siembra directa por hilera o surco y al voleo, la cual es distribuida de manera uniforme por la maquinaria. De la misma manera se realiza la siembra manual donde se requiere mayor cantidad de semilla. En el caso que se siembre tres o cuatro semillas, es necesario realizar un aclarando después, con la finalidad de dejar plantas de soya vigorosas. A su vez, previo a la siembra debe seleccionarse la semilla, escogiendo la que se encuentre en mejores condiciones para así mejorar la calidad de la soya. Entre las principales alternativas se plantea el reconocimiento del área a sembrar o disponible para el cultivo de soya.es_ES
dc.format.extent21 p.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleDiagnóstico de los sistemas de siembra de soya (Glycine max L.) en la zona de Pueblo Nuevoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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