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dc.contributor.advisorRodríguez Gómez, María Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorLema Chele, Dayana Lilibeth
dc.descriptionThis case study aims to develop marketing strategies in the Boutique "EIDEM". Since the inconveniences presented in the boutique like:  The deficiency of innovation, that is, lack of designs or variety in clothing.  Little publicity on the part of the owner since, he does not know the marketing strategies or techniques necessary to be able to link and sell his merchandise to clients and potential clients. They prevent the growth of the company. It is also notorious that large factors such as competition and in this case the absence of marketing strategies in the "EIDEM" Boutique, making it almost impossible for you to obtain optimal benefits from your sales. The following case study refers to all the elements that are needed to implement the stated objective, which is to determine marketing strategies that are specifically oriented to promotions and advertising to increase the level of sales in the "EIDEM" boutique. " In the same way it is important to mention that the case study has been developed through qualitative research, which served to collect information based on observation about the structure of the company and its environment. Subsequently, quantitative research was applied to facilitate the quantification of the results obtained through a survey, which was carried out on the clients of the "Eidem" Boutique. The research line is production and competitiveness, since all the activities in this case involve a wide interest in the commercialization of clothing. In this case study, the methodology that has been executed and put into practice is the descriptive method, which helped and clearly determined the central or main problems to be solved in the “EIDEM” Boutique. The analytical method was also applied, the same that served to diagnose and previously analyze the daily situations that occur in the boutique, with customers who come to the aforementioned site. In this way, a solid synthesis was obtained, which is necessary during the research process. Emphasizing in turn, the technique of "interview" which is aimed at applying to the owner of the company, being a very useful tool and vital importance for the investigation of this case study. On the other hand, the result obtained from the surveys carried out on the company's customers shows that it does not carry out promotions or discounts when making purchases. In addition to that the designs on the garments do not have much variety or diversity. Due to this, clients feel the need to visit another commercial place where they offer what they need and are looking for. Although it is true the boutique has accounts on social networks, through which it tries to carry out the respective advertising of the merchandise, however, the clients affirm that said networks are not updated frequently.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study aims to develop marketing strategies in the Boutique "EIDEM". Since the inconveniences presented in the boutique like:  The deficiency of innovation, that is, lack of designs or variety in clothing.  Little publicity on the part of the owner since, he does not know the marketing strategies or techniques necessary to be able to link and sell his merchandise to clients and potential clients. They prevent the growth of the company. It is also notorious that large factors such as competition and in this case the absence of marketing strategies in the "EIDEM" Boutique, making it almost impossible for you to obtain optimal benefits from your sales. The following case study refers to all the elements that are needed to implement the stated objective, which is to determine marketing strategies that are specifically oriented to promotions and advertising to increase the level of sales in the "EIDEM" boutique. " In the same way it is important to mention that the case study has been developed through qualitative research, which served to collect information based on observation about the structure of the company and its environment. Subsequently, quantitative research was applied to facilitate the quantification of the results obtained through a survey, which was carried out on the clients of the "Eidem" Boutique. The research line is production and competitiveness, since all the activities in this case involve a wide interest in the commercialization of clothing. In this case study, the methodology that has been executed and put into practice is the descriptive method, which helped and clearly determined the central or main problems to be solved in the “EIDEM” Boutique. The analytical method was also applied, the same that served to diagnose and previously analyze the daily situations that occur in the boutique, with customers who come to the aforementioned site. In this way, a solid synthesis was obtained, which is necessary during the research process. Emphasizing in turn, the technique of "interview" which is aimed at applying to the owner of the company, being a very useful tool and vital importance for the investigation of this case study. On the other hand, the result obtained from the surveys carried out on the company's customers shows that it does not carry out promotions or discounts when making purchases. In addition to that the designs on the garments do not have much variety or diversity. Due to this, clients feel the need to visit another commercial place where they offer what they need and are looking for. Although it is true the boutique has accounts on social networks, through which it tries to carry out the respective advertising of the merchandise, however, the clients affirm that said networks are not updated frequently.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente caso de estudio pretende desarrollar estrategias de marketing en la Boutique “EIDEM”. Puesto que los inconvenientes presentados en la boutique como:  La deficiencia de innovación es decir falta de diseños o variedad en las prendas de vestir.  Poca publicidad por parte del dueño puesto que, el mismo desconoce las estrategias o técnicas de marketing necesarias para poder enlazar y vender su mercadería a los clientes y posibles clientes. Impiden el crecimiento de la empresa. Además es notorio que grandes factores como la competencia y en este caso la ausencia de estrategias de marketing en la Boutique “EIDEM”, por lo cual es casi imposible que obtenga óptimos beneficios de sus ventas. El siguiente caso de estudio hace referencia a todos los elementos que se necesitan para poner en marcha el objetivo planteado, el cual es determinar estrategias de marketing que están orientadas específicamente a las promociones y publicidad para incrementar el nivel de las ventas en la boutique “EIDEM”. De la misma manera es importante mencionar que el caso de estudio ha sido desarrollado a través de una investigación cualitativa, la cual sirvió para recoger información basada en la observación sobre la estructura de la empresa y su entorno. Posterior se aplicó la investigación cuantitativa para facilitar la cuantificación de los resultados que se obtuvo a través de una encuesta, la misma se la practicó a los clientes de la Boutique “Eidem". Cuya línea de investigación es de producción y competitividad, puesto que todas las actividades en este caso implican un amplio interés en la comercialización de prendas vestir. En este estudio de caso la metodología que ha sido ejecutada y puesta en práctica es el método descriptivo, el cual ayudó y determinó con claridad los problemas centrales o principales a solucionar en la Boutique “EIDEM”. Se aplicó además el método analítico, el mismo que sirvió para diagnosticar y previamente analizar las situaciones diarias que se presentan en la boutique, con los clientes que acuden al sitio mencionado. De esta forma se logró obtener una síntesis sólida, la cual es necesaria durante el proceso de investigación. Destacando a su vez, la técnica de “entrevista” la cual está direccionada a aplicarse al propietario de la empresa, siendo una herramienta de mucha utilidad y vital importancia para la investigación de este caso de estudio. Por otro lado el resultado obtenido de las encuestas realizadas a los clientes de la empresa demuestra que la misma no realiza promociones ni descuentos al momento de realizar las compras. Además de que los diseños en las prendas de vestir no poseen mucha variedad ni diversidad. Debido a esto los clientes sienten la necesidad de visitar otro local comercial donde si ofrecen lo que necesitan y buscan. Si bien es cierto la boutique tiene cuentas en redes sociales, a través de las cuales intenta realizar la publicidad respectiva de la mercadería, sin embargo los clientes afirman que dichas redes no son actualizadas de manera frecuente.es_ES
dc.format.extent23 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo, UTB - FAFI 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleEstrategias de marketing en la Boutique “EIDEM”es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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