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dc.contributor.advisorZambrano Bravo, Isabel Tatiana
dc.contributor.authorSantillán García, Iván Alexander
dc.descriptionThe patient is a 25-year-old man with a complex vision problem in the cornea or lens, causing problems both near and far. This is known as astigmatic myopia, which is a combination of myopia (difficulty seeing distant objects) and astigmatism (uneven curvature). The patient experiences symptoms that make daily life difficult, such as blurred vision, headaches and double vision. After a thorough evaluation, the diagnosis is determined to be simple myopic astigmatism. Various examinations were performed, such as visual acuity tests, control of pupillary reflexes, evaluation of ocular mobility and refraction, to reach an accurate diagnosis. In order to improve the patient's vision and comfort, a monofocal corrective lens with a blue light filter was selected, since the patient spends much of his time in front of screens. The use of corrective lenses generated a notable improvement in the patient's visual acuity, which in turn significantly reduced the symptoms he experienced. This shows that the treatment not only improved his vision, but also relieved his discomfort. The patient was recommended to continue performing periodic visual checks in order to monitor his progress and take additional measures if necessary.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe patient is a 25-year-old man with a complex vision problem in the cornea or lens, causing problems both near and far. This is known as astigmatic myopia, which is a combination of myopia (difficulty seeing distant objects) and astigmatism (uneven curvature). The patient experiences symptoms that make daily life difficult, such as blurred vision, headaches and double vision. After a thorough evaluation, the diagnosis is determined to be simple myopic astigmatism. Various examinations were performed, such as visual acuity tests, control of pupillary reflexes, evaluation of ocular mobility and refraction, to reach an accurate diagnosis. In order to improve the patient's vision and comfort, a monofocal corrective lens with a blue light filter was selected, since the patient spends much of his time in front of screens. The use of corrective lenses generated a notable improvement in the patient's visual acuity, which in turn significantly reduced the symptoms he experienced. This shows that the treatment not only improved his vision, but also relieved his discomfort. The patient was recommended to continue performing periodic visual checks in order to monitor his progress and take additional measures if necessary.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl paciente es un hombre de 25 años con un problema de visión complejo en la córnea o el cristal, que provoca problemas tanto de cerca como de lejos. Esto es conocido como miope astigmático, que es una combinación de miopía (dificultad para ver objetos distantes) y astigmatismo (curvatura desigual). El paciente experimenta síntomas que dificultan su día a día, como visión borrosa, dolores de cabeza y visión doble. Tras una exhaustiva evaluación, se determina que el diagnóstico es astigmatismo miópico simple. Se realizaron diversos exámenes, como pruebas de agudeza visual, control de los reflejos pupilares, evaluación de la movilidad ocular y refracción, para llegar a un diagnóstico preciso. Con el fin de mejorar la visión y comodidad del paciente, se seleccionó un lente correctivo monofocal con filtro de luz azul, debido a que el paciente pasa gran parte de su tiempo frente a pantallas. El uso de los lentes correctivos generó una notable mejora en la agudeza visual del paciente, lo que a su vez redujo significativamente los síntomas que experimentaba. Esto demuestra que el tratamiento no solo mejoró su visión, sino que también alivió sus molestias. Se le recomendó al paciente que continúe realizando controles visuales periódicos, a fin de monitorear su progreso y tomar las medidas adicionales que fueran necesarias.es_ES
dc.format.extent36 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAstigmatismo miopicoes_ES
dc.subjectVisión borrosaes_ES
dc.subjectAgudeza visual disminuidaes_ES
dc.subjectLentes correctivases_ES
dc.subjectProtección blue blockes_ES
dc.subjectMejora en la agudeza visuales_ES
dc.titleIntervención optométrica en paciente masculino de 25 años edad con astigmatismo miopico.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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