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dc.contributor.advisorZambrano Bravo, Isabel Tatiana
dc.contributor.authorManobanda Tisalema, Stiven Paul
dc.descriptionThe present clinical case focuses on a 28-year-old male patient in a spherical soft contact lens adaptation in a patient with high myopia, taking as the initial point that High Myopia is the increase in the axial length of the eyeball exceeding 6 diopters. which will produce a progressive decrease in visual acuity and the inability to see distant objects in detail. The clinical analysis of the patient who goes to optometric consultation and reports decreased vision, has been using glasses since he was 11 years old and has periodically changed their measurements. That refers to family history; mother with high myopia. The definitive diagnosis was analyzed based on information and data specifically obtained from the optometric results as well as ophthalmoscopy with a retinal camera, corneal topography, ocular biometry, there has been a sudden change in his optical prescriptions and his visual decrease. At the end of this study, it is concluded that high myopia is considered a degenerative pathology.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present clinical case focuses on a 28-year-old male patient in a spherical soft contact lens adaptation in a patient with high myopia, taking as the initial point that High Myopia is the increase in the axial length of the eyeball exceeding 6 diopters. which will produce a progressive decrease in visual acuity and the inability to see distant objects in detail. The clinical analysis of the patient who goes to optometric consultation and reports decreased vision, has been using glasses since he was 11 years old and has periodically changed their measurements. That refers to family history; mother with high myopia. The definitive diagnosis was analyzed based on information and data specifically obtained from the optometric results as well as ophthalmoscopy with a retinal camera, corneal topography, ocular biometry, there has been a sudden change in his optical prescriptions and his visual decrease. At the end of this study, it is concluded that high myopia is considered a degenerative pathology.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente caso clínico se enfoca en un paciente masculino de 28 años en una adaptación de lente de contacto blando esférico en paciente con miopía magna, tomando como punto inicial que la Miopía Magna es el aumento de la longitud axial del globo ocular superando las 6 dioptrías el cual va a producir una disminución progresiva de la agudeza visual y la incapacidad para ver con detalle los objetos lejanos. El análisis clínico del paciente que acude a consulta optométrica y refiere disminución de su visión, utiliza lentes desde los 11 años y ha cambiado de manera periódica las medidas de los mismos. Que refiere antecedente familiares; madre con miopía alta. El diagnóstico definitivo, se analizó a partir de información y datos específicamente obtenidos de los resultados optométricos al igual de oftalmoscopia con cámara retinal, topografía corneal, biometría ocular se ha presentado un cambio repentino de sus prescripciones ópticas y su disminución visual. Al finalizar el presente estudio, se concluye que la miopía magna es considerada patología degenerativa.es_ES
dc.format.extent43 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectLente de Contactoes_ES
dc.subjectTopografía corneales_ES
dc.subjectMiopía magnaes_ES
dc.subjectOftalmoscopia con cámara retinales_ES
dc.subjectBiometría oculares_ES
dc.titleAdaptación de lentes de contacto en paciente masculino de 28 años con miopía magna.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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