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dc.contributor.advisorCórdova Terán, Hugo
dc.contributor.authorCoello Vera, Jhonn Jairo
dc.descriptionThe objective of this experimental work was to determine the comparative evaluation of reproductive parameters between cervical, post-cervical artificial insemination and direct mating in pigs. The experimental design used was a completely randomized (DCA) design, using 36 animals, divided into 3 treatments and 4 repetitions and 3 experimental units for each of the repetitions T0 artificial cervical insemination, T1 post-cervical artificial insemination and T2 artificial insemination and T3 Direct mating. The results obtained in the first treatment with the variable of number of offspring at birth we obtained in T0 a percentage of 12.25% corresponding to 147 animals, in the cervical artificial insemination technique number of offspring at birth resulting in 11.50% equivalent to 138 animals in T0, in the third variable the cervical artificial insemination technique obtained a general average of 2.58 kg of weight at birth and finally with the last variable it was possible to corroborate that in treatment T0 a weight gain of 8.00 kg was gained at 21 days in the litter of Yorkshire pigs with German Pietrain. Based on the results we came to the conclusion that cervical artificial insemination should be performed with breeds that provide excellent reproductive capacity with good maternal ability, easy weight gain, resistant to diseases such as Duroc breeds, German Pietrain, etc. In addition, it is recommended based on having a better profitability at the time of carrying it out and generating great benefits for the producers.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe objective of this experimental work was to determine the comparative evaluation of reproductive parameters between cervical, post-cervical artificial insemination and direct mating in pigs. The experimental design used was a completely randomized (DCA) design, using 36 animals, divided into 3 treatments and 4 repetitions and 3 experimental units for each of the repetitions T0 artificial cervical insemination, T1 post-cervical artificial insemination and T2 artificial insemination and T3 Direct mating. The results obtained in the first treatment with the variable of number of offspring at birth we obtained in T0 a percentage of 12.25% corresponding to 147 animals, in the cervical artificial insemination technique number of offspring at birth resulting in 11.50% equivalent to 138 animals in T0, in the third variable the cervical artificial insemination technique obtained a general average of 2.58 kg of weight at birth and finally with the last variable it was possible to corroborate that in treatment T0 a weight gain of 8.00 kg was gained at 21 days in the litter of Yorkshire pigs with German Pietrain. Based on the results we came to the conclusion that cervical artificial insemination should be performed with breeds that provide excellent reproductive capacity with good maternal ability, easy weight gain, resistant to diseases such as Duroc breeds, German Pietrain, etc. In addition, it is recommended based on having a better profitability at the time of carrying it out and generating great benefits for the producers.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl objetivo de este trabajo experimental fue determinar la evaluación comparativa de los parámetros reproductivos entre inseminación artificial cervical, post cervical y monta directa en cerdos. El diseño experimental utilizado fue un (DCA) diseño completamente al azar, utilizando 36 animales, divididos en 3 tratamientos y en 4 repeticiones y 3 unidades experimentales por cada una de las repeticiones T0 inseminación artificial cervical, T1 inseminación artificial post cervical y T2 inseminación artificial y T3 monta Directa. Los resultados obtenidos en el primer tratamiento con la variable de numero de crías al nacer obtuvimos en el T0 un porcentaje de 12,25% que corresponde a 147 animales, en la técnica de inseminación artificial cervical número de crías al deteste dando como resultado 11,50% que equivale a 138 animales en el T0, en la tercera variable la técnica de la inseminación artificial cervical se obtuvo como promedio general 2,58 Kg de peso al nacer y finalmente con la última variable se pudo corroborar que en el tratamiento T0 se ganó un peso 8,00 Kg a los 21 días en la camada de cerdos de la raza Yorkshire con Pietrain Alemán. Basándonos en los resultados llegamos a la conclusión que se debe realizar inseminación artificial cervical con razas que aporten una excelente capacidad reproductiva con una buena habilidad materna, fácil ganancia de peso, resistente a enfermedades como las razas de Duroc, Pietrain Alemán, etc. Además, se recomienda en función de poseer una mejor rentabilidad al momento de realizarla y generando grandes beneficios a los productores. Palabras Claves: Inseminación Artificial Cervical, Post Cervical, Monta Directa, Rentabilidad, Productores.es_ES
dc.format.extent52 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectInseminación Artificial Cervicales_ES
dc.subjectPost Cervicales_ES
dc.subjectMonta Directaes_ES
dc.titleEvaluación comparativa de los parámetros reproductivos entre inseminación artificial cervical, post cervical y monta directa en cerdases_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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