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dc.contributor.advisorTouma Faytong, Mario Alberto
dc.contributor.authorRojas Reyes, Robert Jhossep
dc.descriptionMini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7, located in Babahoyo, Ecuador, was founded in 2003 to meet the growing demand for essential products in the community. Despite its positioning as a key supplier, the company faces several challenges that affect its operability and ability to grow. Among these challenges are significant deficiencies in sales management, lack of strategic planning, ineffective advertising strategies and problems in customer service. Inefficient inventory management has led to stock-outs and over-inventories, compromising product availability and operational efficiency. The absence of modern technology tools for sales management and data analysis has made it difficult to identify and proactively resolve critical issues, affecting the long-term sustainability of the business. In addition, the company has received complaints about the quality of products, including expired or spoiled products, which negatively affects the customer experience and the reputation of the store. The present study focuses on improving the economic income of Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7 by implementing more effective strategies and administrative management processes. These improvements are expected to optimise internal operation and strengthen competitiveness in the local market. Among the techniques to be used are the optimization of resources, improvement in financial planning and the implementation of more rigorous control systems. The study also seeks to highlight the benefits of proper quality management, improving daily operational activities and allowing better product traceability. Active collaboration between owner and staff will facilitate data collection and ensure the relevance of the results obtained. The findings will not only be applied to improve quality management in Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7, but will also serve as a reference for future research in companies facing similar challenges, seeks to highlight the benefits of proper quality management, improving daily operational activities and allowing better product traceability. Active collaboration between owner and staff will facilitate data collection and ensure the relevance of the results obtained. The findings will not only be applied to improve quality management at Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7, but will also serve as a reference for future research in companies facing similar challenges.es_ES
dc.descriptionMini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7, located in Babahoyo, Ecuador, was founded in 2003 to meet the growing demand for essential products in the community. Despite its positioning as a key supplier, the company faces several challenges that affect its operability and ability to grow. Among these challenges are significant deficiencies in sales management, lack of strategic planning, ineffective advertising strategies and problems in customer service. Inefficient inventory management has led to stock-outs and over-inventories, compromising product availability and operational efficiency. The absence of modern technology tools for sales management and data analysis has made it difficult to identify and proactively resolve critical issues, affecting the long-term sustainability of the business. In addition, the company has received complaints about the quality of products, including expired or spoiled products, which negatively affects the customer experience and the reputation of the store. The present study focuses on improving the economic income of Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7 by implementing more effective strategies and administrative management processes. These improvements are expected to optimise internal operation and strengthen competitiveness in the local market. Among the techniques to be used are the optimization of resources, improvement in financial planning and the implementation of more rigorous control systems. The study also seeks to highlight the benefits of proper quality management, improving daily operational activities and allowing better product traceability. Active collaboration between owner and staff will facilitate data collection and ensure the relevance of the results obtained. The findings will not only be applied to improve quality management in Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7, but will also serve as a reference for future research in companies facing similar challenges, seeks to highlight the benefits of proper quality management, improving daily operational activities and allowing better product traceability. Active collaboration between owner and staff will facilitate data collection and ensure the relevance of the results obtained. The findings will not only be applied to improve quality management at Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7, but will also serve as a reference for future research in companies facing similar challenges.es_ES
dc.description.abstractMini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7, ubicado en Babahoyo, Ecuador, fue fundado en 2003 para satisfacer la creciente demanda de productos esenciales en la comunidad. A pesar de su posicionamiento como un proveedor clave, la empresa enfrenta varios desafíos que afectan su operatividad y capacidad de crecimiento. Entre estos desafíos se encuentran deficiencias significativas en la gestión de ventas, falta de planificación estratégica, estrategias de publicidad ineficaces y problemas en la atención al cliente. La gestión ineficaz de inventarios ha llevado a desabastecimientos y sobre inventarios, comprometiendo la disponibilidad de productos y la eficiencia operativa. La ausencia de herramientas tecnológicas modernas para la gestión de ventas y el análisis de datos ha dificultado la identificación y resolución proactiva de problemas críticos, afectando la sostenibilidad a largo plazo del negocio. Además, la empresa ha recibido quejas sobre la calidad de los productos, incluyendo productos caducados o en mal estado, lo cual afecta negativamente la experiencia del cliente y la reputación de la tienda. El presente estudio se enfoca en mejorar los ingresos económicos de Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7 mediante la implementación de estrategias y procesos de gestión administrativa más efectivos. Se espera que estas mejoras optimicen la operatividad interna y fortalezcan la competitividad en el mercado local. Entre las técnicas a utilizar, se destacan la optimización de recursos, mejora en la planificación financiera y la implementación de sistemas de control más rigurosos. El estudio también busca destacar los beneficios de una adecuada gestión de calidad, mejorando las actividades operativas diarias y permitiendo una mejor trazabilidad de los productos. La colaboración activa del propietario y el personal facilitará la recopilación de datos y garantizará la relevancia de los resultados obtenidos. Los hallazgos no solo se aplicarán para mejorar la gestión de calidad en Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7, sino que también servirán como referencia para futuras investigaciones en empresas enfrentando desafíos similares, busca destacar los beneficios de una adecuada gestión de calidad, mejorando las actividades operativas diarias y permitiendo una mejor trazabilidad de los productos. La colaboración activa del propietario y el personal facilitará la recopilación de datos y garantizará la relevancia de los resultados obtenidos. Los hallazgos no solo se aplicarán para mejorar la gestión de calidad en Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7, sino que también servirán como referencia para futuras investigaciones en empresas enfrentando desafíos similares.es_ES
dc.format.extent44 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectGestión de ventases_ES
dc.subjectPlanificación estratégicaes_ES
dc.subjectEstrategias de publicidades_ES
dc.subjectAtención al clientees_ES
dc.subjectGestión de inventarioses_ES
dc.titleGestión de ventas en la Empresa “Mini Market Xavier Rueda 24/7” en la ciudad de Babahoyo en el período 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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