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dc.contributor.advisorSánchez Valero, Jerisse Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorUbe Coronel, Daniela Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorVillamar Vizueta, Ailin Dayana
dc.descriptionLow back pain is one of the most common health problems today and can occur at any age. Activities such as lifting heavy weights and poor postural hygiene are some of its main causes. In this sense, the older adult population, due to the natural aging of the body, is more prone to wear and tear of the vertebral discs, joints and other spinal structures, which causes difficulty in carrying out some of their daily living activities, such as wash, cook, sew work. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), low back pain is the main cause of disability in the world, limiting normal work and recreational activities. This project is carried out with the purpose of analyzing the impact that the different Williams exercises have on older adults with low back pain who attend the rehabilitation area of the Martín Icaza General Hospital. These exercises reduce chronic pain in the lower back, strengthen the abdominal muscles and the muscles that provide stability to the spine. On the other hand, due to the lack of knowledge on the part of the older adult population about this topic, this project also seeks to provide information about low back pain and the exercises that relieve its symptoms. The methodologies used in this project are descriptive, observational, explanatory and deductive; as quantitative, documentary and field modality; Finally, the type of research is basic and correlational. To obtain the results, surveys, EVA tests, goniometric measurements and the Oswestry survey were used, through which it was found that 57% of the study population was female, most of them between 65 and 69 years of age, 33% stated that they performed Williams exercises often and 50% considered that they had adequate duration, even so, 43% mentioned that the Williams exercises had a moderate difficulty and 20% considered them very difficult. 60% managed to feel a considerable decrease in pain while 50% reported feeling general relief, this relief lasting between 3 to 6 hours after performing the Williams exercises. Finally, with regard to daily activities, 70% mentioned having difficulty performing them and 43% reported improvements in this aspect after applying the exercises.es_ES
dc.descriptionLow back pain is one of the most common health problems today and can occur at any age. Activities such as lifting heavy weights and poor postural hygiene are some of its main causes. In this sense, the older adult population, due to the natural aging of the body, is more prone to wear and tear of the vertebral discs, joints and other spinal structures, which causes difficulty in carrying out some of their daily living activities, such as wash, cook, sew work. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), low back pain is the main cause of disability in the world, limiting normal work and recreational activities. This project is carried out with the purpose of analyzing the impact that the different Williams exercises have on older adults with low back pain who attend the rehabilitation area of the Martín Icaza General Hospital. These exercises reduce chronic pain in the lower back, strengthen the abdominal muscles and the muscles that provide stability to the spine. On the other hand, due to the lack of knowledge on the part of the older adult population about this topic, this project also seeks to provide information about low back pain and the exercises that relieve its symptoms. The methodologies used in this project are descriptive, observational, explanatory and deductive; as quantitative, documentary and field modality; Finally, the type of research is basic and correlational. To obtain the results, surveys, EVA tests, goniometric measurements and the Oswestry survey were used, through which it was found that 57% of the study population was female, most of them between 65 and 69 years of age, 33% stated that they performed Williams exercises often and 50% considered that they had adequate duration, even so, 43% mentioned that the Williams exercises had a moderate difficulty and 20% considered them very difficult. 60% managed to feel a considerable decrease in pain while 50% reported feeling general relief, this relief lasting between 3 to 6 hours after performing the Williams exercises. Finally, with regard to daily activities, 70% mentioned having difficulty performing them and 43% reported improvements in this aspect after applying the exercises.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa lumbalgia es uno de los problemas de salud más comunes en la actualidad y puede presentarse a cualquier edad, actividades como levantar grandes pesos y la mala higiene postural son unas de sus principales causas. En ese sentido, la población adulta mayor, debido al envejecimiento natural del cuerpo, es más propensa al desgaste de los discos vertebrales, articulaciones y otras estructuras de la columna, lo que provoca dificultad para realizar algunas de sus actividades de la vida diaria, como lavar, cocinar, coser, trabajar. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) afirma que la lumbalgia es la principal causa de discapacidad en el mundo, limitando las actividades laborales y recreativas habituales. El presente proyecto se realiza con la finalidad de analizar el impacto que tienen los diferentes ejercicios de Williams en el adulto mayor con lumbalgia que acuden al área de rehabilitación del Hospital General Martín Icaza. Estos ejercicios permiten reducir el dolor crónico en la zona baja de la espalda, refuerzan la musculatura abdominal y la musculatura que brinda estabilidad a la columna. Por otro lado, debido al desconocimiento por parte de la población adulta mayor sobre este tema, el presente proyecto también busca brindar información sobre la lumbalgia y los ejercicios que permiten aliviar su sintomatología. Las metodologías empleadas en este proyecto son el descriptivo, observacional, explicativo y deductivo; como modalidades cuantitativa, documental y modalidad de campo; por último, el tipo de investigación es básica y correlacional. Para la obtención de los resultados se hizo uso de encuestas, escala de EVA, medidas goniométricas y encuesta de Oswestry, mediante las cuales se obtuvo que el 57% de la población de estudio fue femenina, la mayoría de ellos entre los 65 y los 69 años de edad, el 33% afirmaron que realizaban los ejercicios de Williams a menudo y el 50% consideraban que poseían duración adecuada, aún así, el 43% mencionó que los ejercicios de Williams tenían una dificultad moderada y un 20% lo consideraban muy difícil. El 60% lograba sentir una disminución considerable en el dolor mientras el 50% refería sentir alivio general, este alivio durando entre 3 a 6 horas posterior a la realización de los ejercicios de Williams, por último, en lo que respecta a actividades cotidianas, el 70% menciono tener dificultad para realizarlas y el 43% refirió mejoras en este aspecto luego de la aplicación de los ejercicios.es_ES
dc.format.extent79 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEjercicios de Williamses_ES
dc.subjectAdulto Mayores_ES
dc.subjectDolor Lumbares_ES
dc.titleEjercicios de Williams y su influencia en adultos mayores con lumbalgia que acuden al área de rehabilitación Hospital General Martín Icaza en el periodo junio - septiembre 2024.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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