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dc.contributor.advisorSánchez Valero, Jerisse Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorCholota Cholota, Nury Mishell
dc.contributor.authorPérez García, Fabiana Stefania
dc.descriptionNeuroplasticity has attracted the interest of many experts due to its complexity and ability to change the human brain. The nervous system can adapt in response to environmental and social stimuli and is capable of learning and remembering new skills. Neuroplasticity is defined as the ability of the nervous system to alter its reactivity, promote adaptive changes, or reorganize perceptual and cognitive functions by creating new neural connections. Physiotherapy aims not only to treat injuries and improve existing functions, but also to maintain independence in movement and activities of daily living. The present research work was entitled “Physiotherapeutic approach and its influence on neuroplasticity in older adults at the Gerontological Center of Babahoyo in the period June - September 2024”. The importance of the study was to establish the influence of the physiotherapeutic approach on neuroplasticity in older adults at the Gerontological Center of Babahoyo. To achieve the stated objective, a cross-sectional, non-experimental study was carried out, the scope of this study was descriptive; The types of research used were documentary research and field research as a mixed inductive method with qualitative and quantitative methods, such as information gathering, documentary review, surveys and observation. The instrument used was a questionnaire composed of 10 questions. The study population was 46 people, but a total sample of 30 people was used.es_ES
dc.descriptionNeuroplasticity has attracted the interest of many experts due to its complexity and ability to change the human brain. The nervous system can adapt in response to environmental and social stimuli and is capable of learning and remembering new skills. Neuroplasticity is defined as the ability of the nervous system to alter its reactivity, promote adaptive changes, or reorganize perceptual and cognitive functions by creating new neural connections. Physiotherapy aims not only to treat injuries and improve existing functions, but also to maintain independence in movement and activities of daily living. The present research work was entitled “Physiotherapeutic approach and its influence on neuroplasticity in older adults at the Gerontological Center of Babahoyo in the period June - September 2024”. The importance of the study was to establish the influence of the physiotherapeutic approach on neuroplasticity in older adults at the Gerontological Center of Babahoyo. To achieve the stated objective, a cross-sectional, non-experimental study was carried out, the scope of this study was descriptive; The types of research used were documentary research and field research as a mixed inductive method with qualitative and quantitative methods, such as information gathering, documentary review, surveys and observation. The instrument used was a questionnaire composed of 10 questions. The study population was 46 people, but a total sample of 30 people was used.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa neuroplasticidad ha atraído el interés de muchos expertos debido a su complejidad y capacidad para cambiar el cerebro humano. El sistema nervioso puede adaptarse en respuesta a estímulos ambientales y sociales y es capaz de aprender y recordar nuevas habilidades. La neuroplasticidad se define como la capacidad del sistema nervioso para alterar su reactividad, promover cambios adaptativos o reorganizar funciones perceptivas y cognitivas mediante la creación de nuevas conexiones neuronales. La fisioterapia tiene como objetivo no sólo tratar lesiones y mejorar las funciones existentes, sino también mantener la independencia en el movimiento y las actividades de la vida diaria. El presente trabajo de investigación se tituló “Abordaje fisioterapéutico y su influencia en la neuroplasticidad en adultos mayores del Centro Gerontológico de Babahoyo en el periodo junio – septiembre 2024”. La importancia del estudio fue establecer la influencia del abordaje fisioterapéutico en la neuroplasticidad en adultos mayores del Centro Gerontológico de Babahoyo. Para lograr el objetivo planteado se realizó un estudio transversal, no experimental, el alcance de este estudio fue descriptivo; los tipos de investigación empleados fueron la investigación documental e investigación de campo como método inductivo mixto con métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos, como la recolección de información, la revisión documental, la encuesta y la observación. El instrumento utilizado fue un cuestionario compuesto por 10 preguntas. La población de estudio fue de 46 personas, pero se trabajó con una muestra total de 30 personas.es_ES
dc.format.extent74 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAbordaje Fisioterapéuticoes_ES
dc.subjectAdultos mayoreses_ES
dc.titleAbordaje fisioterapéutico y su influencia en la neuroplasticidad en adultos mayores del Centro Gerontológico de Babahoyo en el periodo junio – septiembre 2024.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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