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dc.contributor.advisorSandoya Mayorga, Liliana Andreina
dc.contributor.authorToaza Candel, Cesar Alayn
dc.descriptionThe case study focuses on the Provincial Student Sports Federation of Los Ríos (FedesRíos), which is located in the city of Babahoyo, on Isaías Chopitea and García Moreno streets, which is facing liquidity problems due to poor financial management and, Furthermore, as it belongs to the public sector, the budget allocation does not arrive on established dates, which is why its financial and operational stability is at risk. The research aims to identify the factors that intervene in its profitability, analyze and evaluate its financial situation using analysis tools and financial indicators. The methodologies used include the collection of information through an owner interview, financial analysis and the use of financial indicators to evaluate the financial situation and performance. The results showed that the company does not have liquidity because its current assets cannot cover its current liabilities, its level of debt is very high because it depends on liabilities to be able to finance its activities and despite obtaining an improvement in its profit. . operating is not enough to overcome its liquidity and debt problems. Strategies were proposed to recover the liquidity of the Provincial Student Sports Federation of Los Ríos (FedesRíos). Among these, it is considered important to search for additional sources to be able to finance ourselves in the short term, look for less expensive and long-term financing options; This would help alleviate short-term debt pressure, plus they should consider diversifying their income sources.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe case study focuses on the Provincial Student Sports Federation of Los Ríos (FedesRíos), which is located in the city of Babahoyo, on Isaías Chopitea and García Moreno streets, which is facing liquidity problems due to poor financial management and, Furthermore, as it belongs to the public sector, the budget allocation does not arrive on established dates, which is why its financial and operational stability is at risk. The research aims to identify the factors that intervene in its profitability, analyze and evaluate its financial situation using analysis tools and financial indicators. The methodologies used include the collection of information through an owner interview, financial analysis and the use of financial indicators to evaluate the financial situation and performance. The results showed that the company does not have liquidity because its current assets cannot cover its current liabilities, its level of debt is very high because it depends on liabilities to be able to finance its activities and despite obtaining an improvement in its profit. . operating is not enough to overcome its liquidity and debt problems. Strategies were proposed to recover the liquidity of the Provincial Student Sports Federation of Los Ríos (FedesRíos). Among these, it is considered important to search for additional sources to be able to finance ourselves in the short term, look for less expensive and long-term financing options; This would help alleviate short-term debt pressure, plus they should consider diversifying their income sources.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl estudio de caso se centra en La Federación Deportiva Provincial Estudiantil de los Ríos (FedesRíos), se encuentra ubicada en la ciudad de Babahoyo, en las calles Isaías Chopitea y García Moreno que está enfrentando problemas de liquidez debido a una mala gestión financiera y, además, al pertenecer al sector público la asignación presupuestaria no llega en fechas establecidas, razones por las cuales está en riesgo su estabilidad financiera y operativa. La investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los factores que intervienen en su rentabilidad, analizar y evaluar por medio de herramientas de análisis e indicadores financieros su situación financiera. Las metodologías utilizadas incluyeron la recolección de información por medio de una entrevista al propietario, el análisis financiero y el uso de indicadores financieros para evaluar la situación y desempeño financiero. En los resultados se obtuvo que la empresa no tiene liquidez porque sus activos corrientes no pueden cubrir sus pasivos corrientes, su nivel de endeudamiento es muy alto debido a que depende de pasivos para poder financiar sus actividades y a pesar de obtener una mejora en su utilidad operativa no es suficiente para superar sus problemas de liquidez y endeudamiento. Se propusieron estrategias para poder recuperar la liquidez de La Federación Deportiva Provincial Estudiantil de los Ríos (FedesRíos). Entre estas, se considera importante la búsqueda de fuentes adicionales para poder financiarse a corto plazo, buscar opciones de financiamiento menos costosas y a largo plazo; esto ayudaría a alivianar la presión de la deuda a corto plazo, además, deberían considerar diversificar sus fuentes de ingresos.es_ES
dc.format.extent43 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectGestión Financieraes_ES
dc.subjectIndicadores financieroses_ES
dc.subjectAnálisis financieroses_ES
dc.subject.otherContabilidad y Auditoríaes_ES
dc.titleGestión financiera en la Federación Deportiva Provincial Estudiantil de Los Ríos (FEDESRÍOS) periodo 2022 y 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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