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dc.contributor.advisorRemache Silva, Johanna Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorSalazar Vera, Milena Narcisa
dc.descriptionThe case study of Best-Quality-Fruit S.A. analyzes the management of its accounts receivable during the 2021-2022 period, in a context where the company faces challenges in managing these assets. The justification for the study lies in the importance of maintaining efficient control of accounts receivable to ensure financial stability and competitiveness in the market. The objective of the research is to evaluate the efficiency of the company's credit and collection policies, determining the impact of accounts receivable on liquidity. The methodology employed includes a mixed approach, combining a documentary review of financial statements and the use of specific financial indicators to analyze the behavior of accounts receivable. The results reveal a significant increase in the values of accounts receivable, with a 60.30% variation in the total accounts and receivables between 2021 and 2022, reflecting an expansion in the credit base granted to customers. However, financial indicators show a decrease in the efficiency of collection management, with an increase in the average collection period from 120.43 days to 137.29 days. These conclusions suggest that, although the company has actively managed its credit policies, it is necessary to improve the efficiency in credit recovery to optimize liquidity and ensure long-term financial stability.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe case study of Best-Quality-Fruit S.A. analyzes the management of its accounts receivable during the 2021-2022 period, in a context where the company faces challenges in managing these assets. The justification for the study lies in the importance of maintaining efficient control of accounts receivable to ensure financial stability and competitiveness in the market. The objective of the research is to evaluate the efficiency of the company's credit and collection policies, determining the impact of accounts receivable on liquidity. The methodology employed includes a mixed approach, combining a documentary review of financial statements and the use of specific financial indicators to analyze the behavior of accounts receivable. The results reveal a significant increase in the values of accounts receivable, with a 60.30% variation in the total accounts and receivables between 2021 and 2022, reflecting an expansion in the credit base granted to customers. However, financial indicators show a decrease in the efficiency of collection management, with an increase in the average collection period from 120.43 days to 137.29 days. These conclusions suggest that, although the company has actively managed its credit policies, it is necessary to improve the efficiency in credit recovery to optimize liquidity and ensure long-term financial stability.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl caso de estudio de Best-Quality-Fruit S.A. analiza la gestión de sus cuentas por cobrar durante el periodo 2021-2022, en un contexto donde la empresa enfrenta desafíos en la administración de estos activos. La justificación del estudio radica en la importancia de mantener un control eficiente de las cuentas por cobrar para asegurar la estabilidad financiera y competitividad en el mercado. El objetivo de la investigación es evaluar la eficiencia de las políticas de crédito y cobranza de la empresa, determinando el impacto de las cuentas por cobrar en la liquidez. La metodología empleada incluye un enfoque mixto, combinando la revisión documental de los estados financieros y el uso de indicadores financieros específicos para analizar el comportamiento de las cuentas por cobrar. Los resultados revelan un incremento significativo en los valores de las cuentas por cobrar, con una variación del 60.30% en el total de cuentas y documentos por cobrar entre 2021 y 2022, reflejando una expansión en la base de crédito otorgada a los clientes. Sin embargo, los indicadores financieros muestran una disminución en la eficiencia de la gestión de cobros, con un aumento en el periodo promedio de cobro de 120.43 días a 137.29 días. Estas conclusiones sugieren que, aunque la empresa ha gestionado activamente sus políticas de crédito, es necesario mejorar la eficiencia en la recuperación de créditos para optimizar la liquidez y asegurar la estabilidad financiera a largo plazo.es_ES
dc.format.extent69 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subject.otherContabilidad y Auditoríaes_ES
dc.titleCuentas por cobrar de la empresa Best-Quality-Fruit S.A. de la ciudad de Guayaquil en el periodo 2021-2022.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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