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dc.contributor.advisorArellano Gómez, John Javier
dc.contributor.authorQuizhpi Quintuña, Segundo Mesías
dc.descriptionThe present experimental research is carried out with the purpose of determining the glucose levels in pigs of different ages raised in the backyard system of the Pueblo Nuevo enclosure of the Babahoyo canton of the Los Ríos province. By taking 85 blood samples obtained by ear puncture of the pig and using the glucometer technique to measure the levels, thus establishing the blood glucose levels in pigs according to breed, sex, age and type of feed, with the data obtained it will be possible to establish parameters of blood glucose levels, the following values were obtained according to age in pigs > a year an average of 62.7 mg / dl and in pigs < a year a value of 72.7 mg / dl, as for the sex of the animal in females an average of 61.3 mg / dl is obtained, in males the value of 72.3 mg / dl of blood glucose was obtained, while based on the races a level of 63.3 mg / dl was obtained in the Hampshire in 16 pigs, in the Landrace-Duroc a level of 70.6 mg / dl in 47 pigs, in the Pietrain-Duroc a level of 53.7 mg/dl in 11 pigs and in the Topigs a level of 73.3 mg/dl in 11 pigs. While in the feed the mixed growth and development feed was the most significant with an average value of 78 mg/dl in 21 pigs sampled, contrary to zero that was only fed with kitchen waste that has a value of 46 mg/dl. The results offer relevant information for the management, control and improvement in the production of the pig industry, thus contributing to improving animal health and productive efficiency. It is concluded that the backyard farms sampled in the Pueblo Nuevo enclosure of Babahoyo canton present 58.8% of the population with optimal blood glucose levels. However, at the time of taking the samples all the animals did not present abnormalities.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present experimental research is carried out with the purpose of determining the glucose levels in pigs of different ages raised in the backyard system of the Pueblo Nuevo enclosure of the Babahoyo canton of the Los Ríos province. By taking 85 blood samples obtained by ear puncture of the pig and using the glucometer technique to measure the levels, thus establishing the blood glucose levels in pigs according to breed, sex, age and type of feed, with the data obtained it will be possible to establish parameters of blood glucose levels, the following values were obtained according to age in pigs > a year an average of 62.7 mg / dl and in pigs < a year a value of 72.7 mg / dl, as for the sex of the animal in females an average of 61.3 mg / dl is obtained, in males the value of 72.3 mg / dl of blood glucose was obtained, while based on the races a level of 63.3 mg / dl was obtained in the Hampshire in 16 pigs, in the Landrace-Duroc a level of 70.6 mg / dl in 47 pigs, in the Pietrain-Duroc a level of 53.7 mg/dl in 11 pigs and in the Topigs a level of 73.3 mg/dl in 11 pigs. While in the feed the mixed growth and development feed was the most significant with an average value of 78 mg/dl in 21 pigs sampled, contrary to zero that was only fed with kitchen waste that has a value of 46 mg/dl. The results offer relevant information for the management, control and improvement in the production of the pig industry, thus contributing to improving animal health and productive efficiency. It is concluded that the backyard farms sampled in the Pueblo Nuevo enclosure of Babahoyo canton present 58.8% of the population with optimal blood glucose levels. However, at the time of taking the samples all the animals did not present abnormalities.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn la presente investigación experimental es realizado con la finalidad de determinar los niveles de glucosa en cerdos de distintas edades criados en el sistema de traspatio del recinto Pueblo Nuevo del cantón Babahoyo de la provincia de Los Ríos. Efectuando una toma de 85 muestras de sangre obtenida por la punción en la oreja del cerdo y mediante la técnica del glucómetro para medir los niveles, estableciendo así los niveles de glucosa sanguínea en cerdos de acuerdo a la raza, sexo, edad y al tipo de alimentación, con los datos obtenidos se podrá establecer parámetros de niveles de glucosa sanguínea, se pudo obtener los siguientes valores de acuerdo a la edad en cerdos > a año un promedio de 62.7mg/dl y en cerdos < a año un valor de 72.7 mg/dl, en cuanto al sexo del animal en las hembras se tiene un promedio de 61,3 mg/dl, en los machos se obtuvo el valor de 72.3 mg/dl de glucosa sanguínea, mientras que en base a las razas se obtuvo en la Hampshire un nivel de 63.3 mg/dl en 16 cerdos, en la Landrace-Duroc un nivel de 70,6 mg/dl en 47 cerdos, en la Pietrain-Duroc un nivel de 53,7 mg/dl en 11 cerdos y en la Topigs un nivel de 73.3 mg/dl en 11 cerdos. Mientras que en la alimentación el alimento de crecimiento y desarrollo mezclado el más significativo con un valor en promedio de 78 mg/dl en 21 cerdos muestreados, caso contrario al cero que solo era alimentado con desperdicios de cocina que tiene un valor de 46 mg/dl. Los resultados ofrecen información relevante para la gestión, control y mejoramiento en la producción de la industria porcina, contribuyendo así a mejorar de la salud animal y la eficiencia productiva. Se concluye que los criaderos de traspatio muestreadas del recinto Pueblo Nuevo de cantón Babahoyo presentan el 58.8 % de la población con niveles óptimos de la glucosa sanguínea. Sin embargo, al momento de tomar las muestras todos los animales no presentaban anomalías.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleDeterminación de niveles de glucosa sanguínea en cerdos de traspatio en el Recinto Pueblo Nuevo del Cantón Babahoyoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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