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dc.contributor.advisorÁlava Cobeña, Jorge Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorCepeda Gómez, Lissette Lorena
dc.descriptionAt the Technical University of Babahoyo, the effect of supplementation with injectable minerals on pregnancy percentages in crossbred cows was evaluated. The total population of cattle at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences is 90 animals, of which 24 viable cows were selected for the experiment, with a body condition between 2.5 and 3.5. The experimental protocol included the application of an intravaginal device impregnated with progesterone, followed by the administration of estradiol benzoate, and subsequent artificial insemination of the cows. Twelve of the cows also received supplementation with 15 ml of injectable minerals on days 0, 7 and 14, constituting the treatment group. The other 12 cows, which did not receive minerals, made up the control group. The statistical analysis performed (ANOVA) did not show significant differences between the treatments (P. Value > 0.05). However, numerical results indicated that cows in the group that received mineral supplementation were 16% more pregnant compared to the control group, suggesting a favorable trend towards the use of mineral supplementation. The Tukey test also showed an arithmetic mean pregnancy rate of 58% for the group with minerals and 42% for the group without minerals. This research requires additional studies with a larger sample size or under different conditions to confirm its effectiveness.es_ES
dc.descriptionAt the Technical University of Babahoyo, the effect of supplementation with injectable minerals on pregnancy percentages in crossbred cows was evaluated. The total population of cattle at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences is 90 animals, of which 24 viable cows were selected for the experiment, with a body condition between 2.5 and 3.5. The experimental protocol included the application of an intravaginal device impregnated with progesterone, followed by the administration of estradiol benzoate, and subsequent artificial insemination of the cows. Twelve of the cows also received supplementation with 15 ml of injectable minerals on days 0, 7 and 14, constituting the treatment group. The other 12 cows, which did not receive minerals, made up the control group. The statistical analysis performed (ANOVA) did not show significant differences between the treatments (P. Value > 0.05). However, numerical results indicated that cows in the group that received mineral supplementation were 16% more pregnant compared to the control group, suggesting a favorable trend towards the use of mineral supplementation. The Tukey test also showed an arithmetic mean pregnancy rate of 58% for the group with minerals and 42% for the group without minerals. This research requires additional studies with a larger sample size or under different conditions to confirm its effectiveness.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, se evaluó el efecto de la suplementación con minerales inyectables sobre los porcentajes de preñez en vacas mestizas. La población total de bovinos en la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias es de 90 animales, de los cuales se seleccionaron 24 vacas viables para el experimento, con una condición corporal entre 2.5 y 3.5. El protocolo experimental incluyó la aplicación de un dispositivo intravaginal impregnado con progesterona, seguido de la administración de benzoato de estradiol, y la posterior inseminación artificial de las vacas. Doce de las vacas recibieron, además, una suplementación con 15 ml de minerales inyectables en los días 0, 7 y 14, constituyendo el grupo de tratamiento. Las otras 12 vacas, que no recibieron minerales, conformaron el grupo testigo. El análisis estadístico realizado (ANOVA) no mostró diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos (P. Valor > 0.05). Sin embargo, los resultados numéricos indicaron que las vacas del grupo que recibió la suplementación mineral presentaron un 16% más de preñez en comparación con el grupo testigo, lo que sugiere una tendencia favorable hacia el uso de la suplementación mineral. La prueba de Tukey también mostró una media aritmética de preñez del 58% para el grupo con minerales y del 42% para el grupo sin minerales. Esta investigación requiere estudios adicionales con un mayor tamaño de muestra o en diferentes condiciones para confirmar su efectividad.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleEfecto de minerales inyectables en los porcentajes de preñez en vacas mestizas de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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