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dc.contributor.advisorLópez Izurieta, Marlon
dc.contributor.authorTroya Villalva, Klever John
dc.descriptionThe best sustainable alternative for the improvement of short-cycle crops are organic fertilizers that provide, in small quantities and slowly, the nutritional elements necessary for their normal growth and development, enriching the soil with minerals, converting them into vitamins for plants. which provide nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sulfur, magnesium, sodium and zinc. This research was developed as a non-experimental component of a bibliographic nature, through a technique of analysis, synthesis and summary of the information obtained. Using the information analyzed, the following conclusions are presented: Organic fertilizers, with a good decomposition process, provide nutrients to short-cycle crops, provide OM (organic matter) to the soil, improving its fertility and the efficient use of its elements. Organic fertilizers can be solid such as compost, worm castings, bocashi and they can be liquid such as biole. The doses of organic fertilizers that can be applied to short-cycle crops are the following: It is recommended to incorporate compost 3 ton/ha 2 months before sowing; For bocashi, use an initial dose of 3 ton/ha; Worm humus is recommended at a dose of 4 tons per hectare and then gradually lowered year after year, up to 1 ton/ha. The biol is applied in quantities greater than 15 L/ha.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe best sustainable alternative for the improvement of short-cycle crops are organic fertilizers that provide, in small quantities and slowly, the nutritional elements necessary for their normal growth and development, enriching the soil with minerals, converting them into vitamins for plants. which provide nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sulfur, magnesium, sodium and zinc. This research was developed as a non-experimental component of a bibliographic nature, through a technique of analysis, synthesis and summary of the information obtained. Using the information analyzed, the following conclusions are presented: Organic fertilizers, with a good decomposition process, provide nutrients to short-cycle crops, provide OM (organic matter) to the soil, improving its fertility and the efficient use of its elements. Organic fertilizers can be solid such as compost, worm castings, bocashi and they can be liquid such as biole. The doses of organic fertilizers that can be applied to short-cycle crops are the following: It is recommended to incorporate compost 3 ton/ha 2 months before sowing; For bocashi, use an initial dose of 3 ton/ha; Worm humus is recommended at a dose of 4 tons per hectare and then gradually lowered year after year, up to 1 ton/ha. The biol is applied in quantities greater than 15 L/ha.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa mejor alternativa sostenible para el mejoramiento en los cultivos de ciclo corto son los abonos orgánicos que aportan en poca cantidad y de manera lenta los elementos nutritivos necesarios para su crecimiento y desarrollo normal, enriqueciendo de minerales al suelo, convirtiéndose en vitaminas para las plantas que aportan nitrógeno, potasio, fósforo, calcio, hierro, azufre, magnesio, sodio y zinc. La presente investigación se desarrolló como componente no experimental de carácter bibliográfico, mediante una técnica de análisis, síntesis y resumen de la información obtenida. Mediante la información analizada se presenta las siguientes conclusiones: Los abonos orgánicos, con un buen proceso de descomposición, aportan nutrientes a los cultivos de ciclo corto, aportan materia orgánica (MO) al suelo mejorando la fertilidad del mismo y la utilización eficiente de sus elementos. Los abonos orgánicos pueden ser solidos como el compost, humus de lombriz, bocashi y pueden ser líquidos como los bioles. La dosis de abonos orgánicos que puede ser aplicada en los cultivos de ciclo corto son las siguientes: El compost se recomienda incorporar 3 ton/ha, 2 meses antes de la siembra; El bocashi utilizar una dosis inicial de 3 ton/ha; El humus de lombriz se recomienda una dosis de 4 toneladas por hectárea y luego bajar gradualmente año con año, hasta 1 ton/ha. El biol se aplica cantidades superiores a 15 L/ha.es_ES
dc.format.extent39 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectHumus de lombrizes_ES
dc.titleEfectos de los abonos orgánicos como alternativa sostenible para el mejoramiento en los cultivos de ciclo cortoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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