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dc.contributor.advisorSalinas Lozada, Julio Camilo
dc.contributor.authorMera Contreras, Erika Sinaí
dc.descriptionThis research work was carried out in 10 experimental units, which was carried out in the sheds of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo, based on the addition of pulverized Cannabis in the previously formulated feed, with the aim of analyzing its effect as a growth promoter in commercial crossbreeding pigs in their phase II and III which corresponds to growth and finishing. For this research the methodology used was a completely randomized design, with a total of five treatments, including treatment zero being this the control treatment, remaining as follows, T0: Formulated balanced, T1: 2gr of Cannabis / Kg of feed, T2: 4gr of Cannabis / Kg of feed, T3: 6gr of Cannabis / Kg of feed and a T4: 8gr of Cannabis / Kg of feed and two repetitions. The analysis of the data collected in each of the variables evaluated was carried out using the Tukey statistical test at 5%, the results obtained were positive determining that treatment 3 was the most significant with results of 66.52 kg in its live weight gain, a feed conversion of 2.66 kg for 1 kg of live weight, regarding the variable feed consumption, T3 and T4 obtained a higher consumption with 200.9 kg in both, with respect to the cost benefit, the use of cannabis as an additive gave profitable results, concluding that cannabis or hemp offers benefits in pig production since it has high levels of protein, the cannabis used had a value of 22.52% protein, in addition it did not present negative alterations in the organoleptic properties of the meat.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research work was carried out in 10 experimental units, which was carried out in the sheds of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo, based on the addition of pulverized Cannabis in the previously formulated feed, with the aim of analyzing its effect as a growth promoter in commercial crossbreeding pigs in their phase II and III which corresponds to growth and finishing. For this research the methodology used was a completely randomized design, with a total of five treatments, including treatment zero being this the control treatment, remaining as follows, T0: Formulated balanced, T1: 2gr of Cannabis / Kg of feed, T2: 4gr of Cannabis / Kg of feed, T3: 6gr of Cannabis / Kg of feed and a T4: 8gr of Cannabis / Kg of feed and two repetitions. The analysis of the data collected in each of the variables evaluated was carried out using the Tukey statistical test at 5%, the results obtained were positive determining that treatment 3 was the most significant with results of 66.52 kg in its live weight gain, a feed conversion of 2.66 kg for 1 kg of live weight, regarding the variable feed consumption, T3 and T4 obtained a higher consumption with 200.9 kg in both, with respect to the cost benefit, the use of cannabis as an additive gave profitable results, concluding that cannabis or hemp offers benefits in pig production since it has high levels of protein, the cannabis used had a value of 22.52% protein, in addition it did not present negative alterations in the organoleptic properties of the meat.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en 10 unidades experimentales, la cual se llevó a cabo en los galpones de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, basándose en la adición de Cannabis pulverizado en el alimento previamente formulado, con el objetivo de analizar su efecto como promotor de crecimiento en cerdos de cruce comercial en su fase II y III la cual corresponde a crecimiento y acabado. Para esta investigación la metodología utilizada fue un diseño completamente al azar, con un total de cinco tratamientos, incluido el tratamiento cero siendo este el tratamiento testigo, quedando de la siguiente forma, T0: Balanceado formulado, T1: 2gr de Cannabis/Kg de alimento, T2: 4gr de Cannabis/Kg de alimento, T3: 6gr de Cannabis/Kg de alimento y un T4: 8gr de Cannabis/Kg de alimento y dos repeticiones. El análisis de los datos recopilados en cada una de las variables evaluadas se realizó mediante la prueba estadística Tukey al 5%, los resultados obtenidos fueron positivos determinando que el tratamiento 3 fue el más significativo con resultados de 66,52 kg en su ganancia de peso vivo, una conversión alimenticia de 2,66 kg para 1 kg de peso vivo, en cuanto a la variable consumo de alimento el T3 y T4 obtuvo un mayor consumo con 200,9 kg en ambos, con respecto al beneficio costo el uso de cannabis como aditivo dio resultados rentable, concluyendo que cannabis o cáñamo ofrece beneficios en la producción porcina ya que tiene niveles altos de proteína, el cannabis utilizado tenía un valor de 22, 52 % de proteína, además no presento alteraciones negativas en las propiedades organolépticas de la carne.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectpromotor de crecimientoes_ES
dc.titleAdición de cannabis (Cannabis sativa) como promotor de crecimiento en el alimento de cerdos de cruce comercial en la etapa de crecimiento y acabadoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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