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dc.contributor.advisorParedes Lozano, Lidia
dc.contributor.authorFernández Ramírez, Kener Iván
dc.descriptionThis study analyzed the use of gelation of cereal starches and how it affects the quality of the pellet intended for feeding pigs, the texture and cohesion of the pellet are essential for feed efficiency and animal welfare, for the pig farmer, this technique offers a healthy and lower cost food that meets the nutritional needs of the pig, it is a way to use starch in the manufacture of pellets, facilitating the access of breeders to a highly usable source of protein and minerals, to describe the gelation of cereal starches and its importance in pellet quality in pigs, information was gathered from current documents research articles, virtual libraries and websites, the gelation formation process involves three-dimensional networks that retain solvents, adjusts the texture of food by retaining water in protein or polysaccharide matrices, influenced by factors such as pH, pellet efficiency to optimize growth and feed efficiency, achieves a weight gain of 0.8 kg / day and a conversion of 3.2 kg, which increased to 1.2 kg/day and improved to 2.8 kg, the gelation technique improves digestibility and nutritional quality in pig feed through the appropriate choice of solvents and functional groups, pelleting not only optimizes feed efficiency and dietary uniformity for pigs, but the composition of the raw material, including lignin and moisture, also crucially influences quality and durability during handling and transportation..es_ES
dc.descriptionThis study analyzed the use of gelation of cereal starches and how it affects the quality of the pellet intended for feeding pigs, the texture and cohesion of the pellet are essential for feed efficiency and animal welfare, for the pig farmer, this technique offers a healthy and lower cost food that meets the nutritional needs of the pig, it is a way to use starch in the manufacture of pellets, facilitating the access of breeders to a highly usable source of protein and minerals, to describe the gelation of cereal starches and its importance in pellet quality in pigs, information was gathered from current documents research articles, virtual libraries and websites, the gelation formation process involves three-dimensional networks that retain solvents, adjusts the texture of food by retaining water in protein or polysaccharide matrices, influenced by factors such as pH, pellet efficiency to optimize growth and feed efficiency, achieves a weight gain of 0.8 kg / day and a conversion of 3.2 kg, which increased to 1.2 kg/day and improved to 2.8 kg, the gelation technique improves digestibility and nutritional quality in pig feed through the appropriate choice of solvents and functional groups, pelleting not only optimizes feed efficiency and dietary uniformity for pigs, but the composition of the raw material, including lignin and moisture, also crucially influences quality and durability during handling and transportation..es_ES
dc.description.abstractEste estudio analizó el uso de la gelificación de los almidones de cereales y cómo afecta la calidad del pellet destinado a la alimentación de cerdos, la textura y la cohesión del pellet son fundamentales para la eficacia alimentaria y el bienestar de los animales, para el porcicultor, esta técnica ofrece un alimento saludable y de menor costo que satisface las necesidades nutricionales del cerdo, es una forma de utilizar el almidón en la fabricación de pellets, facilitando el acceso de los criadores a una fuente de proteína y minerales altamente aprovechable, para describir la gelificación de los almidones de cereales y su importancia en la calidad de pellet en cerdos, se reunió información de documentos actuales artículos de investigación, bibliotecas virtuales y sitios web, el proceso de formación de gelificación implica redes tridimensionales que retienen solventes, ajusta la textura de los alimentos mediante la retención de agua en matrices de proteínas o polisacáridos, influenciada por factores como el pH, la eficacia del pellet para optimizar el crecimiento y la eficiencia alimentaria, logra una ganancia de peso 0.8 kg/día y una conversión de 3.2 kg, que aumentó a 1.2 kg/día y mejoró a 2.8 kg, la técnica de gelificación mejora la digestibilidad y calidad nutricional en alimentos porcinos mediante la elección adecuada de solventes y grupos funcionales, el peletizado no solo optimiza la eficiencia alimentaria y uniformidad dietética para cerdos, sino que la composición de la materia prima, incluyendo lignina y humedad, también influyen en forma crucial en la calidad y durabilidad durante su manejo y transporte.es_ES
dc.format.extent29 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleLa gelificación de los almidones de cereales y su impacto en la calidad de pellet en el desarrollo y engorde del cerdo (Sus scrofa).es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador