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dc.contributor.advisorParedes Lozano, Lidia
dc.contributor.authorSantos Ruilova, Neithan Arturo
dc.descriptionIn the development of this research based on the "Preventive scheme to avoid diseases in pigs in the growth stage." in which it was raised as an objective, was to establish a preventive scheme to avoid the main diseases in pigs in the growth stage. The methodology, it is determined that it was based on a basic type of research, where it was developed under a descriptive-analytical approach, with a qualitative research design, in its development it determined the importance of the pig industry in Ecuador, pig production systems, the importance of health in pig production, risk factors in the growth stage. Regarding the results, it indicates that Classical Swine Fever (CSF), Porcine Pneumonia, Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED), are the most common diseases in pigs during the growth stage and the detailed protocol of specific preventive measures for pigs in the growth stage includes rigorous biosecurity practices; In conclusion, the above-mentioned diseases have a negative impact on the health and performance of pigs, with an impact on mortality and growth efficiency; and that the detailed protocol of preventive measures for growing pigs establishes a solid standard of biosecurity, vaccination and environmental management that promotes optimal health of pigs, thus leading to faster and more profitable growth of pigs, which benefits producerses_ES
dc.descriptionIn the development of this research based on the "Preventive scheme to avoid diseases in pigs in the growth stage." in which it was raised as an objective, was to establish a preventive scheme to avoid the main diseases in pigs in the growth stage. The methodology, it is determined that it was based on a basic type of research, where it was developed under a descriptive-analytical approach, with a qualitative research design, in its development it determined the importance of the pig industry in Ecuador, pig production systems, the importance of health in pig production, risk factors in the growth stage. Regarding the results, it indicates that Classical Swine Fever (CSF), Porcine Pneumonia, Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED), are the most common diseases in pigs during the growth stage and the detailed protocol of specific preventive measures for pigs in the growth stage includes rigorous biosecurity practices; In conclusion, the above-mentioned diseases have a negative impact on the health and performance of pigs, with an impact on mortality and growth efficiency; and that the detailed protocol of preventive measures for growing pigs establishes a solid standard of biosecurity, vaccination and environmental management that promotes optimal health of pigs, thus leading to faster and more profitable growth of pigs, which benefits producerses_ES
dc.description.abstractEl desarrollo de esta investigación basado en “Esquema preventivo para evitar enfermedades en cerdos en etapa de crecimiento.” Se planteó como objetivo, establecer un esquema preventivo para evitar enfermedades en cerdos en etapa de crecimiento. La metodología, se basó en un tipo de investigación básico, bajo un enfoque descriptivo-analítico, con un diseño de investigación cualitativo, se determinó la importancia de la industria porcina en el Ecuador, los sistemas de producción porcina, la importancia de la salud en la producción porcina, los factores de riesgos en la etapa de crecimiento. En cuanto a los resultados, indica que la Peste porcina Clásica (PPC), Neumonía porcina, Diarrea Epidémica Porcina (DEP), son las enfermedades más comunes en cerdos durante la etapa de crecimiento y el protocolo detallado de medidas preventivas específicas para cerdos en etapa de crecimiento incluye prácticas rigurosas de bioseguridad; En conclusión, las enfermedades antes mencionadas tienen un impacto negativo en la salud y el rendimiento de los cerdos, con un alto índice de mortalidad y afectación en la eficiencia del crecimiento; el protocolo detallado de medidas preventivas para cerdos en etapa de crecimiento establece un estándar sólido de bioseguridad, vacunación y manejo ambiental que promueve la salud óptima del ganado porcino, por ende, esto conduce a un crecimiento más rápido y rentable de los cerdos, resultando en beneficioso a los productores.es_ES
dc.format.extent33 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEsquema preventivoes_ES
dc.titleEsquema preventivo para evitar enfermedades en cerdos en etapa de crecimientoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador