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dc.contributor.advisorJordán Cordones, Freddy Maximiliano
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Gómez, Jhon Bryan
dc.descriptionThis research has been carried out in the Santa Priscila shrimp farm, in Guayaquil, one of the most important companies in Ecuador and the world for being one of the best in relation to shrimp, it is facing the challenge of strengthening its information security as problematic, as well as the protection of your sensitive data and being prepared for possible operational interruptions, which is why the need arises to have an approach adapted to your needs, which is why the implementation of ISO 27001 leads to cultivating a culture secure data processing. The objectives of this research have been to implement an information management system based on ISO27001 regulations that allows an improvement in information security in the Santa Priscila shrimp farm in the city of Guayaquil, which have been achieved after making accompanied technical contributions. of IT policies that have been developed in accordance with 27001 regulations and with support in addition to 27002 to estimate the efficiency of their controls. In Chapter V, a technical application proposal has been prepared based on previous analyzes and studies where certain adjustments have been made to be made in terms of policies for the care of information, as well as new policies have been developed and have been socialized. to improve the context of information security. Important changes have been evident after applying proposed policies that were developed in chapter V, which is why it is recognized that in an institution it is essential that it can have Information Security Management Systems, and this be implemented accordingly. with the international standard ISO 27001, which allows a complete analysis of the state of security management and allows evolution in the treatment of security risks of information assets.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research has been carried out in the Santa Priscila shrimp farm, in Guayaquil, one of the most important companies in Ecuador and the world for being one of the best in relation to shrimp, it is facing the challenge of strengthening its information security as problematic, as well as the protection of your sensitive data and being prepared for possible operational interruptions, which is why the need arises to have an approach adapted to your needs, which is why the implementation of ISO 27001 leads to cultivating a culture secure data processing. The objectives of this research have been to implement an information management system based on ISO27001 regulations that allows an improvement in information security in the Santa Priscila shrimp farm in the city of Guayaquil, which have been achieved after making accompanied technical contributions. of IT policies that have been developed in accordance with 27001 regulations and with support in addition to 27002 to estimate the efficiency of their controls. In Chapter V, a technical application proposal has been prepared based on previous analyzes and studies where certain adjustments have been made to be made in terms of policies for the care of information, as well as new policies have been developed and have been socialized. to improve the context of information security. Important changes have been evident after applying proposed policies that were developed in chapter V, which is why it is recognized that in an institution it is essential that it can have Information Security Management Systems, and this be implemented accordingly. with the international standard ISO 27001, which allows a complete analysis of the state of security management and allows evolution in the treatment of security risks of information assets.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEsta investigación se ha realizado en la camaronera Santa Priscila, de Guayaquil, una de las empresas más importantes del Ecuador y del mundo por ser una de las mejores en relación al camarón, esta se encuentra en el desafío de fortalecer su seguridad de la información como problemática, así como la protección de sus datos sensibles y estar preparada ante posibles interrupciones operativas, por lo que surge la necesidad de tener un enfoque adaptado a sus necesidades, es por ello que con la implementación de la ISO 27001 se conlleva a cultivar una cultura de tratamiento seguro de los datos. Los objetivos de esta investigación han sido implementar un sistema de gestión de la información basado en normativa ISO27001 que permita una mejora en la seguridad de la información en la camaronera Santa Priscila de la ciudad de Guayaquil, los cuales se han logrado tras realizar aportes técnicos acompañados de políticas informáticas que se han elaborado apegados a normativas 27001 y con soporte además de la 27002 para estimar la eficiencia de sus controles. Se ha elaborado en el capítulo V, una propuesta técnica de aplicación a partir de análisis anteriores y estudios donde se han evidenciado ciertos ajustes por realizar en cuanto a políticas para cuidado de la información, así como también se elaboraron nuevas políticas y se las ha socializado para mejorar el contexto de la seguridad de la información. Se han evidenciado cambios importantes luego de aplicar políticas propuestas que fueron desarrolladas en el capítulo V, por lo que se reconoce que en una institución es esencial que se pueda contar con Sistemas de Gestión de la Seguridad de la información, y este sea implementado de acorde con la norma internacional ISO 27001, lo que permite un análisis completo del estado de la gestión de seguridad y permite evolucionar en el tratamiento de los riesgos de seguridad de los activos de información.es_ES
dc.format.extent104 P.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectNorma ISO27001es_ES
dc.subjectPolíticas informáticases_ES
dc.subjectSeguridad de la informaciónes_ES
dc.titleNormativa ISO27001 como base en la gestión de seguridad de la información de la Camaronera Santa Priscila de la ciudad de Guayaquil.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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