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dc.contributor.advisorMerchán Jácome, Verónica Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorMoran Navarro, Linda Pierina
dc.descriptionThis case study, entitled "Financial Profitability of Comercial Coloma in the Canton of Vinces during the periods 2022-2023", this company dedicated to the sale of agricultural inputs and grains. The research is framed in the line of Financial, Administrative, Tax, Audit and Control Management, with emphasis on the Audit and Control subline, the study seeks to examine financial profitability, through the analysis of its financial statements, using a mixed methodological approach, which includes qualitative and quantitative analysis, and the techniques of observation, interview, data analysis, It seeks to identify the internal and external factors that affect profitability, determine the variations in the financial statements and evaluate the efficiency in the management of resources by applying the financial statements. Internally, the lack of an efficient billing system, high operating costs, and lack of staff training have led to inefficiencies and reduced profit margins. Externally, market competition, adverse weather conditions, and increases in input costs have aggravated the situation. This analysis is crucial not only for the owners of the company, but also as a model for other SMEs in the sector.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study, entitled "Financial Profitability of Comercial Coloma in the Canton of Vinces during the periods 2022-2023", this company dedicated to the sale of agricultural inputs and grains. The research is framed in the line of Financial, Administrative, Tax, Audit and Control Management, with emphasis on the Audit and Control subline, the study seeks to examine financial profitability, through the analysis of its financial statements, using a mixed methodological approach, which includes qualitative and quantitative analysis, and the techniques of observation, interview, data analysis, It seeks to identify the internal and external factors that affect profitability, determine the variations in the financial statements and evaluate the efficiency in the management of resources by applying the financial statements. Internally, the lack of an efficient billing system, high operating costs, and lack of staff training have led to inefficiencies and reduced profit margins. Externally, market competition, adverse weather conditions, and increases in input costs have aggravated the situation. This analysis is crucial not only for the owners of the company, but also as a model for other SMEs in the sector.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso, titulado "Rentabilidad Financiera del Comercial Coloma en el Cantón Vinces durante los períodos 2022-2023", esta empresa dedicada a la venta de insumos agrícolas y granos. La investigación está enmarcada en la línea de Gestión Financiera, Administrativa, Tributaria, Auditoría y Control, con énfasis en la sublinea Auditoría y Control, el estudio busca examinar la rentabilidad financiera, mediante el análisis de sus estados financieros, usando un enfoque metodológico mixto, que incluye análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo, y las técnicas de observación, entrevista, análisis de datos, busca identificar los factores internos y externos que afectan la rentabilidad, determinar las variaciones en los estados financieros y evaluar la eficiencia en la gestión de recursos aplicando los estados financieros. A nivel interno, la falta de un sistema de facturación eficiente, los altos costos operativos y la falta de capacitación del personal han generado ineficiencias y reducido los márgenes de ganancia. Externamente, la competencia en el mercado, las condiciones climáticas adversas y los incrementos en los costos de insumos han agravado la situación. Este análisis es crucial no solo para los propietarios de la empresa, sino también como modelo para otras PYMES en el sector.es_ES
dc.format.extent80 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectIndicadores financieroses_ES
dc.subjectAnálisis financieroes_ES
dc.titleRentabilidad financiera del Comercial Coloma en el cantón Vinces durante los periodos 2022-2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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