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dc.contributor.advisorMenéndez Marquínez, Carlos Alberto
dc.contributor.authorMora Cedeño, Carlos Alfredo
dc.descriptionThis case study is determined to analyze the internal inventory control of the company Industrial Danec S.A. in the city of Babahoyo period 2022, dedicated to the manufacture of food oils, vegetable and animal fat, especially palm oil, fatty acids, personal hygiene products, among others. The internal control of inventories is very relevant for the activities that the company has; therefore, through the investigation it was established that this item has generated shortcomings in terms of control, because it is in relation to its cost; in addition, these tangible goods are those that contribute an enormous value for the company to generate economic income. In this way, the corresponding line of research was implemented as “Financial, Administrative, Tax, Audit and Control Management” and the sub-line “Audit and Control”; therefore, the methodology is of mixed modality, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches for the collection of information, allowing to use both deductive and descriptive methods when establishing the circumstances that caused the deficiencies in the company with the respective vulnerability matrix to identify the deficiencies in the internal control of inventories in Industrial Danec S. A. A. The control of this item was also evaluated through the measurement of liquidity with the respective financial indicators.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study is determined to analyze the internal inventory control of the company Industrial Danec S.A. in the city of Babahoyo period 2022, dedicated to the manufacture of food oils, vegetable and animal fat, especially palm oil, fatty acids, personal hygiene products, among others. The internal control of inventories is very relevant for the activities that the company has; therefore, through the investigation it was established that this item has generated shortcomings in terms of control, because it is in relation to its cost; in addition, these tangible goods are those that contribute an enormous value for the company to generate economic income. In this way, the corresponding line of research was implemented as “Financial, Administrative, Tax, Audit and Control Management” and the sub-line “Audit and Control”; therefore, the methodology is of mixed modality, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches for the collection of information, allowing to use both deductive and descriptive methods when establishing the circumstances that caused the deficiencies in the company with the respective vulnerability matrix to identify the deficiencies in the internal control of inventories in Industrial Danec S. A. A. The control of this item was also evaluated through the measurement of liquidity with the respective financial indicators.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso se encuentra determinado a analizar el control interno del inventario de la empresa Industrial Danec S.A. en la ciudad de Babahoyo periodo 2022, dedicada a la fabricación de aceites alimenticios, grasa vegetal como de animal, especialmente aceite de palma, ácidos grasos, productos que son de higiene personal, entre otros. El control interno de inventarios es de mucha relevancia para las actividades que tiene la empresa; por tanto, mediante la investigación se estableció que este rubro ha generado falencias en cuanto al control, debido a que se encuentra en relación con su costo; además, estos bienes tangibles son los que contribuyen un enorme valor para que la empresa genere ingresos económicos. De esta manera, se implementó la línea de investigación correspondiente como “Gestión Financiera, Administrativa, Tributaria, Auditoría y Control” y la sublínea “Auditoría y control”; por tanto, la metodología es de modalidad mixta, combinando enfoques cualitativos y cuantitativos para la recolección de información, permitiendo utilizar métodos tanto deductivo como descriptivo al establecer las circunstancias que ocasionaron las deficiencias en la empresa con la respectiva matriz de vulnerabilidad para identificar las deficiencias en el control interno de inventarios en Industrial Danec S.A. También se evaluó el control de este rubro por medio de la medición de la liquidez con los respectivos indicadores financieros.es_ES
dc.format.extent57 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectControl interno de inventarioses_ES
dc.subjectControl internoes_ES
dc.subjectIndicadores financieroses_ES
dc.titleControl interno de inventario de la Empresa Industrial Danec S.A. durante el periodo 2022 en la ciudad de Babahoyo.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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