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dc.contributor.advisorMenéndez Marquínez, Carlos Alberto
dc.contributor.authorMontoya Muñoz, Steeven Alexander
dc.descriptionThe objective of this research project is to analyze the operational expenses of the security company during the year 2023, in order to identify how they have impacted the company's profitability. It focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the company's expense structure, with the aim of detecting excesses and inefficiencies through the necessary financial metrics. To carry out this analysis, the comprehensive income statement for the year 2023 will be examined. Then, through a vertical analysis, the proportion of each category in relation to the total operational expenses will be calculated and compared with the revenues received by the company during that period. The financial indicators will help determine the company's profit margins and how it utilizes its assets to generate benefits. An interview with the manager also provided insights into the expense recording procedure and some inefficiencies the company has in expense control. The analysis of operational expenses during 2023 will enable the security company to better understand its expense structure and make informed decisions to optimize its financial resources. This project aims not only to determine excessive expenses but also to ensure the company's profitability and sustainability.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe objective of this research project is to analyze the operational expenses of the security company during the year 2023, in order to identify how they have impacted the company's profitability. It focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the company's expense structure, with the aim of detecting excesses and inefficiencies through the necessary financial metrics. To carry out this analysis, the comprehensive income statement for the year 2023 will be examined. Then, through a vertical analysis, the proportion of each category in relation to the total operational expenses will be calculated and compared with the revenues received by the company during that period. The financial indicators will help determine the company's profit margins and how it utilizes its assets to generate benefits. An interview with the manager also provided insights into the expense recording procedure and some inefficiencies the company has in expense control. The analysis of operational expenses during 2023 will enable the security company to better understand its expense structure and make informed decisions to optimize its financial resources. This project aims not only to determine excessive expenses but also to ensure the company's profitability and sustainability.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los gastos operacionales de la empresa de seguridad durante el año 2023, con la finalidad de identificar como han incidido en la rentabilidad de la compañía. Se centra en un análisis exhaustivo de la estructura de gastos de la empresa, con el propósito de detectar excesos e ineficiencias, mediante métricas financieras necesarias. Para llevar a cabo este análisis, se examinará el estado de resultados integral del año 2023, luego,mediante un análisis vertical se calculará la proporción de cada categoría respecto al total de gastos operacionales y se compararán con los ingresos percibidos por la compañía durante dicho periodo. Los indicadores financieros ayudaran a determinar los márgenes de ganancias que tiene la compañía y como utiliza sus activos para generar beneficios. Mediante una entrevista al gerente también se pudo conocer el procedimiento de registro de los gastos y algunas ineficiencias que tiene la compañía sobre el control de los gastos. El análisis de los gastos operacionales durante el 2023 permitirá a la empresa de seguridad comprender mejor su estructura de gastos y tomar decisiones informadas para optimizar sus recursos financieros. Este proyecto busca no solo determinar los gastos excesivos si no asegurar la rentabilidad y sostenibilidad de la empresa.es_ES
dc.format.extent47 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectIndicadores financieroses_ES
dc.subjectGastos operacionaleses_ES
dc.titleGastos por servicios de seguridad de la Empresa Inteligencia Security RMM Cía. Ltda. De la ciudad de Cuenca durante el periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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