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dc.contributor.advisorVásconez Galarza, Gustavo Adolfo
dc.contributor.authorMonar Haro, Cesar Anthony
dc.descriptionThe analysis of the study was based on the objective of studying the use of hydrogel for water retention in arid soils, improving water retention in arid soils has been the subject of an analytical and descriptive study. The results show a significant impact on the productivity and development of crops in these adverse conditions. A 25% increase in biomass and a 30% growth in harvest will be observed for crops treated with hydrogel compared to those without treatment. The hydrogel demonstrated outstanding efficiency by retaining up to 50% more water in dry soil. These biopolymers have the unique ability to absorb more water and release it gradually, promoting a constant supply of water for plants during periods of prolonged drought. These findings underline the importance of hydrogel as a promising technology to improve agricultural sustainability in water-scarce regions, offering benefits both in terms of crop yield and water use efficiency. In conclusion, the use of hydrogel emerges as an effective solution to face the challenges of agriculture in arid soils, improving water availability for plants and optimizing crop yields.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe analysis of the study was based on the objective of studying the use of hydrogel for water retention in arid soils, improving water retention in arid soils has been the subject of an analytical and descriptive study. The results show a significant impact on the productivity and development of crops in these adverse conditions. A 25% increase in biomass and a 30% growth in harvest will be observed for crops treated with hydrogel compared to those without treatment. The hydrogel demonstrated outstanding efficiency by retaining up to 50% more water in dry soil. These biopolymers have the unique ability to absorb more water and release it gradually, promoting a constant supply of water for plants during periods of prolonged drought. These findings underline the importance of hydrogel as a promising technology to improve agricultural sustainability in water-scarce regions, offering benefits both in terms of crop yield and water use efficiency. In conclusion, the use of hydrogel emerges as an effective solution to face the challenges of agriculture in arid soils, improving water availability for plants and optimizing crop yields.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl análisis del estudio se basó en el objetivo de estudiar el uso de hidrogel para la retención del agua en suelos áridos, mejora la retención de agua en suelos áridos ha sido objeto de un estudio analítico y descriptivo. Los resultados muestran un impacto significativo en la productividad y desarrollo de cultivos en estas condiciones adversas. Se observó un incremento del 25% en la biomasa y un crecimiento del 30% en la cosecha de cultivos tratados con hidrogel en comparación con aquellos sin tratamiento. El hidrogel demostró una eficiencia destacada al retener hasta un 50% más de agua en el suelo seco. Estos biopolímeros tienen la capacidad única de absorber más agua y liberarla gradualmente, lo que promueve un suministro constante de agua para las plantas durante períodos de sequía prolongada. Estos hallazgos subrayan la importancia del hidrogel como una tecnología prometedora para mejorar la sostenibilidad agrícola en regiones con escasez hídrica, ofreciendo beneficios tanto en términos de rendimiento de cultivos como en la eficiencia en el uso del agua. En conclusión, el uso de hidrogel emerge como una solución efectiva para enfrentar los desafíos de la agricultura en suelos áridos, mejorando la disponibilidad de agua para las plantas y optimizando el rendimiento de los cultivos.es_ES
dc.format.extent31 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleUso de hidrogel para la retención del agua en suelos áridoses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador