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dc.contributor.advisorEspinoza Espinoza, Fernando
dc.contributor.authorPárraga Gómez, Martha Lucia
dc.descriptionIn this study, the physicochemical and microbiological properties of chocolate with non psychoactive Cannabis sativa L. are evaluated. The growing interest in natural and functional ingredients has highlighted the need for new food alternatives, such as Cannabis sativa L., known for its high concentration of cannabidiol (CBD), a compound with multiple therapeutic benefits. The research focuses on how the inclusion of Cannabis sativa L. influences the physicochemical stability, organoleptic properties and microbiological safety of chocolate. Globally, the demand for CBD products is expanding, although regulations vary significantly, For example, in Ecuador, according to the regulations of the National Agency for Regulation, Control and Health Surveillance (ARCSA), only a level of less than 0.3% THC can be used in foodstuffs. This study aims to contribute to the development of functional and innovative foods, as well as to analyze the potential effects of CBD in a widely consumed and socially accepted product such as chocolate. This will positively empower the cannabis trade market, encouraging the creation of products that complement or combine in a successful way as chocolate is one of the best-selling products, obtaining a place in the market, thus causing a great incentive in the development of a new product that brings with it the opportunity for the development of new business opportunities, employment and of course innovation. This study also manages to exemplify the responsible use of cannabis with the development of a chocolate that can be consumed by anyone in order to demonstrate and promote the use of cannabis in a safe and conscientious way.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn this study, the physicochemical and microbiological properties of chocolate with non psychoactive Cannabis sativa L. are evaluated. The growing interest in natural and functional ingredients has highlighted the need for new food alternatives, such as Cannabis sativa L., known for its high concentration of cannabidiol (CBD), a compound with multiple therapeutic benefits. The research focuses on how the inclusion of Cannabis sativa L. influences the physicochemical stability, organoleptic properties and microbiological safety of chocolate. Globally, the demand for CBD products is expanding, although regulations vary significantly, For example, in Ecuador, according to the regulations of the National Agency for Regulation, Control and Health Surveillance (ARCSA), only a level of less than 0.3% THC can be used in foodstuffs. This study aims to contribute to the development of functional and innovative foods, as well as to analyze the potential effects of CBD in a widely consumed and socially accepted product such as chocolate. This will positively empower the cannabis trade market, encouraging the creation of products that complement or combine in a successful way as chocolate is one of the best-selling products, obtaining a place in the market, thus causing a great incentive in the development of a new product that brings with it the opportunity for the development of new business opportunities, employment and of course innovation. This study also manages to exemplify the responsible use of cannabis with the development of a chocolate that can be consumed by anyone in order to demonstrate and promote the use of cannabis in a safe and conscientious way.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn este estudio se evalúan las propiedades físico-químicas y microbiológicas del chocolate con Cannabis sativa L. no psicoactivo. El interés creciente en ingredientes naturales y funcionales ha destacado la necesidad de nuevas alternativas alimentarias, como el Cannabis sativa L., conocido por su alta concentración de cannabidiol (CBD), un compuesto con múltiples beneficios terapéuticos. La investigación se centra en cómo la inclusión de Cannabis sativa L. influye en sus propiedades fisicoquímica, organolépticas y la seguridad microbiológica del chocolate. A nivel global, la demanda de productos con CBD está en expansión, aunque las regulaciones varían significativamente, por ejemplo, en el Ecuador según las normativas de la (ARCSA) que significa (Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria), esto, solo se puede usar un nivel inferior al 0,3 % de THC en lo que corresponde a alimentos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de alimentos funcionales e innovadores, así como analizar los efectos potenciales del CBD en un producto ampliamente consumido y socialmente aceptado como el chocolate. Potenciando de manera positiva al mercado del comercio de cannabis, incentivando a crear productos que complementen o combinen de manera exitosa como lo es el chocolate pues es uno de los productos que más se venden obteniendo un lugar en el mercado, provocando así un gran incentivo en el desarrollo de un nuevo producto que conlleva consigo la oportunidad del desarrollo de nuevas oportunidades de negocio, empleo y por supuesto la innovación. Este estudio también logra ejemplificar sobre el responsable uso del cannabis con el desarrollo de un chocolate que puede ser consumido por cualquier persona para así poder demostrar y promover el uso del cannabis de manera segura y consientees_ES
dc.format.extent67 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo, Ecuadores_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleCaracterización fisicoquímica y microbiológica en chocolate con cannabis no psicoactivo (Cannabis sativa L.)es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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