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dc.contributor.advisorGarofalo Velasco, Darly Agnelio
dc.contributor.authorLeón Aspiazu, Consuelo Marisol
dc.descriptionIn this investigation we will carry out an analysis on the reduction that the Decentralized Autonomous Government of La Parroquia Caracol has had in the budget in the Period 2022-2023, in which we identify the problem that has been presenting, thus allowing us to have a better perspective of the budget of the Rural GAD of the Caracol Parish, in addition to this we conducted an interview with Eng. Nayeli Alvarez Secretary-Treasurer of the Parish GAD, who provided us with the necessary information, to learn more about the reductions that have been presented in this GAD we carried out a horizontal analysis which allowed us to know the variations that were generated during the period 2022-2023, the main objective of this case study is to know the impact that the budget reduction had within the GAD and how this affected the community, in which we used the Analytical - quantitative methods helped us collect the data and know the results obtained, which will be carefully analyzed, and we will be able to have a better perspective of the current situation of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of La Parroquia Caracol; Finally, with all the information obtained, the institution will be able to make decisions that help them have better control of the budgets given the reduction they have presented.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn this investigation we will carry out an analysis on the reduction that the Decentralized Autonomous Government of La Parroquia Caracol has had in the budget in the Period 2022-2023, in which we identify the problem that has been presenting, thus allowing us to have a better perspective of the budget of the Rural GAD of the Caracol Parish, in addition to this we conducted an interview with Eng. Nayeli Alvarez Secretary-Treasurer of the Parish GAD, who provided us with the necessary information, to learn more about the reductions that have been presented in this GAD we carried out a horizontal analysis which allowed us to know the variations that were generated during the period 2022-2023, the main objective of this case study is to know the impact that the budget reduction had within the GAD and how this affected the community, in which we used the Analytical - quantitative methods helped us collect the data and know the results obtained, which will be carefully analyzed, and we will be able to have a better perspective of the current situation of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of La Parroquia Caracol; Finally, with all the information obtained, the institution will be able to make decisions that help them have better control of the budgets given the reduction they have presented.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn esta investigación realizaremos un análisis sobre la reducción que ha tenido en el presupuesto el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado De La Parroquia Caracol En El Periodo 2022- 2023, en el cual identificamos el problema que se ha venido presentando permitiéndonos así tener una mejor perspectiva de presupuesto del GAD rural de la Parroquia Caracol, además a esto realizamos una entrevista al Ing. Nayeli Alvarez Secretaria-Tesorera del GAD Parroquial, quien nos facilitó la información necesaria, para conocer más afondo sobre la reducciones que se ha presentado en este GAD realizamos un análisis horizontal que nos permitió conocer las variaciones que se generaron durante el periodo 2022-2023, el objetivo principal de este estudio de caso es conocer el impacto que tuvo la reducción del presupuesto dentro del GAD y como afecto esto a la comunidad, en el cual utilizamos los métodos analíticos – cuantitativos estos nos ayudaron a la recolección de los datos y a conocer los resultados obtenidos los cuales serán analizados de forma detenida, y se podrá tener una mejor perspectiva de la situación actual del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado De La Parroquia Caracol; finalmente con toda la información obtenida la institución podrá tomar decisiones que les ayude a tener un mejor control de los presupuestos ante la reducción que han presentado.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleImpacto en la reducción del presupuesto del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de la Parroquia Caracol en el periodo 2022- 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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