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dc.contributor.advisorBohórquez Barros, Tito
dc.contributor.authorArana Arana, Axel Josué
dc.descriptionThe application of organic and chemical fertilizers is a vital component in agriculture, because they provide plants with essential nutrients for their development and production. The general objective of this document is to analyze the effectiveness and synergies between chemical and organic fertilizers in agricultural productivity. It was developed through the compilation of information from websites, scientific articles, sources and bibliographic repositories that are accessible through digital platforms. The conclusions determine that the increase in crop productivity makes biofertilizers a promising alternative to replace the use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, however, the effectiveness and synergy between chemical and biological products promote higher yields per hectare planted with crops and help plants develop to their maximum productive potential; The efficiency of the use of chemical fertilizers varies when using the product, which must be done correctly and at the right time; The synergy between chemicals and biologicals is the foliar application of biological products that are associated with macro and micronutrients. Organic products have proven to be an excellent complement to chemicals when it comes to plant nutrition. Efficiency and synergy are important, because it involves the combination of chemical inputs with natural inputs, which is the essence of the approach to agriculture in the modern world. The performance of soluble fertilizers improves considerably when they are combined with small amounts of biofertilizers with chemical fertilizers, improving the quality of the products and reducing the doses of chemicals.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe application of organic and chemical fertilizers is a vital component in agriculture, because they provide plants with essential nutrients for their development and production. The general objective of this document is to analyze the effectiveness and synergies between chemical and organic fertilizers in agricultural productivity. It was developed through the compilation of information from websites, scientific articles, sources and bibliographic repositories that are accessible through digital platforms. The conclusions determine that the increase in crop productivity makes biofertilizers a promising alternative to replace the use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, however, the effectiveness and synergy between chemical and biological products promote higher yields per hectare planted with crops and help plants develop to their maximum productive potential; The efficiency of the use of chemical fertilizers varies when using the product, which must be done correctly and at the right time; The synergy between chemicals and biologicals is the foliar application of biological products that are associated with macro and micronutrients. Organic products have proven to be an excellent complement to chemicals when it comes to plant nutrition. Efficiency and synergy are important, because it involves the combination of chemical inputs with natural inputs, which is the essence of the approach to agriculture in the modern world. The performance of soluble fertilizers improves considerably when they are combined with small amounts of biofertilizers with chemical fertilizers, improving the quality of the products and reducing the doses of chemicals.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa aplicación de fertilizantes orgánicos y químicos es un componente vital en la agricultura, debido a que aportan a las plantas los nutrientes esenciales para su desarrollo y producción. El presente documento tiene como objetivo general analizar la eficacia y sinergias entre fertilizantes químicos y orgánicos en la productividad agrícola. Se desarrolló a través de la recopilación de información de sitios web, artículos científicos, fuentes y repositorios bibliográficos que son accesibles a través de plataformas digitales. Las conclusiones determinaron que el aumento en la productividad de los cultivos hace de los biofertilizantes una alternativa prometedora para sustituir el uso de fertilizantes químicos en la agricultura, sin embargo, la eficacia y la sinergia entre productos químicos y biológicos fomentan mayores rendimientos por hectárea sembrada de cultivos y ayudan a las plantas a desarrollarse a su máximo potencial productivo; la eficiencia del uso de los fertilizantes químicos tiene variantes al usar el producto, lo cual debe efectuarse de manera correcta y en el momento adecuado; la sinergia entre químicos y biológicos, es la aplicación foliar de productos biológicos que se asocian con los macro y micronutrientes. Los productos biológicos han demostrado ser un excelente complemento de los químicos en lo que se refiere a la nutrición vegetal. Es importante la eficacia y sinergia, debido a que se involucra la combinación de insumos químicos con insumos naturales, que es la esencia del enfoque de la agricultura en el mundo moderno. El rendimiento de los fertilizantes solubles mejora considerablemente cuando se combinan con pequeñas cantidades de biofertilizantes con fertilizantes químicos, mejorando la calidad de los productos y reduciendo las dosis de los químicos.es_ES
dc.format.extent30 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectProductos químicoses_ES
dc.titleEficacia y sinergias entre fertilizantes químicos y orgánicos en la productividad agrícolaes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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