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dc.contributor.advisorFilian Hurtado, Willian Adolfo
dc.contributor.authorVillamar Reyes, John Steve
dc.descriptionThe present work seeks to observe the prevalence of the different types of mites that cause scabies in canines with dermatitis from the Recinto del Deseo in the Milagro Canton. How do we know that scabies is a disease that mainly affects the skin in which it causes dermal problems such as shedding extreme itchy hair among other diseases. In dogs, it will mainly cause intense itching and alopecia, the most common being the so-called scabies, which primarily affects those who have direct contact with the infected. 50 samples were evaluated and the deep scraping method was used to identify the presence and different genera of mites that cause scabies in canines with dermatitis present in the Deseo Campus of Cantón Milagro where there was a prevalence of 18%. The genus of mite with the highest prevalence is Sarcoptes scabiei 56%, followed by Demodex canis 33%, and in smaller numbers is Otodectes cynotis 11%. The identification of scabies according to sex is 52% in males and 48% in females. According to age, there was a higher prevalence of scabies in canines from 1 to 4 years of age of 46% and a lower prevalence in those from 9 to 13 years of age with 8%. The identification of mange according to the breed, it was determined that canines that are mixed breeds are the most affected with 54% while a lower prevalence was observed in Pitbull breeds 12%, Labrador 8%, Golden 6% Siberian Husky 2%.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present work seeks to observe the prevalence of the different types of mites that cause scabies in canines with dermatitis from the Recinto del Deseo in the Milagro Canton. How do we know that scabies is a disease that mainly affects the skin in which it causes dermal problems such as shedding extreme itchy hair among other diseases. In dogs, it will mainly cause intense itching and alopecia, the most common being the so-called scabies, which primarily affects those who have direct contact with the infected. 50 samples were evaluated and the deep scraping method was used to identify the presence and different genera of mites that cause scabies in canines with dermatitis present in the Deseo Campus of Cantón Milagro where there was a prevalence of 18%. The genus of mite with the highest prevalence is Sarcoptes scabiei 56%, followed by Demodex canis 33%, and in smaller numbers is Otodectes cynotis 11%. The identification of scabies according to sex is 52% in males and 48% in females. According to age, there was a higher prevalence of scabies in canines from 1 to 4 years of age of 46% and a lower prevalence in those from 9 to 13 years of age with 8%. The identification of mange according to the breed, it was determined that canines that are mixed breeds are the most affected with 54% while a lower prevalence was observed in Pitbull breeds 12%, Labrador 8%, Golden 6% Siberian Husky 2%.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo busco observar la prevalencia de los diferentes tipos de ácaros causantes de sarna en caninos con dermatitis del Recinto del Deseo en el Cantón Milagro, cómo sabemos la sarna es una enfermedad que afecta principalmente a la piel en la cual causa problemas dérmicos como caída de pelo picazón extrema entre otras enfermedades. En los perros principalmente va a causar un prurito intenso y alopecia siendo la más concurrente la denominada sarna la cual afectan en primera instancia a aquellos que tienen contacto directo con los infectados. Se evaluaron 50 muestras y se utilizó el método de raspado profundo para identificar la presencia y los diferentes géneros de ácaros causantes de sarna en caninos con dermatitis presentes en el Recinto el Deseo del Cantón Milagro donde hubo la prevalencia del 18%. El Género de acaro con mayor prevalencia es Sarcoptes scabiei 56%, seguido del Demodex canis 33%, y en menor número se encuentra el Otodectes cynotis 11%. La identificación de sarna según el sexo, es 52% en machos y el 48% en hembras. Según la edad hubo una mayor prevalencia de sarna en caninos de 1 a 4 años de 46% y en menor prevalencia los de 9 a 13 años de edad con el 8%. La identificación de sarna de acuerdo a la raza, se determinó que los caninos que son mestizos son los más afectados con un 54% mientras que en menor prevalencia se observó en razas Pitbull 12%, Labrador 8%, Golden 6% Husky siberiano 2%.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleIdentificación de los géneros de ácaros causantes de sarna en caninos con dermatitis presentes en el Recinto el Deseo del Cantón Milagroes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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