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dc.contributor.advisorSánchez Moran, Sara Susana
dc.contributor.authorContreras Heleno, Jubixa Noemi
dc.descriptionThe objective of this investigation was to determine the microbiological quality of the ground beef consumed in the city of Babahoyo. It was carried out in the soil laboratory of the Agronomy degree of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences FACIAG, the total samples of ground beef were 10 with 2 repetitions from the different markets, supermarkets and commissaries of the city of Babahoyo- Los. Rivers. A witness is used to verify the sterility of the solution used and the study area. The determination of the microbiological quality of the ground beef was carried out using the technique of using Petrifilm plates, incubating the samples for 24 h ± 2 h at 37 ºC ± 1 ºC. A "check list" application was used in each store to evaluate sanitary management regarding the handling of ground meat. Within this experimental work, it is concluded that of the 10 samples analyzed, 8 tested positive for E. coli (80%), in which the presence of total Coliforms is also evident in all the samples analyzed (100%). The average values of E. coli (cfu/g) in the ground beef samples exceeded the levels allowed by NTE INEN 1346:2015, which indicates a minimum: 10 cfu/g and a maximum: 100 cfu/g. The average values of total coliforms (cfu/g) exceeded the levels allowed by NTE INEN:2015, which indicates a minimum: 1000000 cfu/g and a maximum: 10000000 cfu/g. The evaluation of the ground meat with the NTE INEN 1346 quality standard determines that the samples analyzed in the markets, butcher shops and supermarkets did not meet the quality parameters, having a concentration greater than the permitted limit of colony-forming units.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe objective of this investigation was to determine the microbiological quality of the ground beef consumed in the city of Babahoyo. It was carried out in the soil laboratory of the Agronomy degree of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences FACIAG, the total samples of ground beef were 10 with 2 repetitions from the different markets, supermarkets and commissaries of the city of Babahoyo- Los. Rivers. A witness is used to verify the sterility of the solution used and the study area. The determination of the microbiological quality of the ground beef was carried out using the technique of using Petrifilm plates, incubating the samples for 24 h ± 2 h at 37 ºC ± 1 ºC. A "check list" application was used in each store to evaluate sanitary management regarding the handling of ground meat. Within this experimental work, it is concluded that of the 10 samples analyzed, 8 tested positive for E. coli (80%), in which the presence of total Coliforms is also evident in all the samples analyzed (100%). The average values of E. coli (cfu/g) in the ground beef samples exceeded the levels allowed by NTE INEN 1346:2015, which indicates a minimum: 10 cfu/g and a maximum: 100 cfu/g. The average values of total coliforms (cfu/g) exceeded the levels allowed by NTE INEN:2015, which indicates a minimum: 1000000 cfu/g and a maximum: 10000000 cfu/g. The evaluation of the ground meat with the NTE INEN 1346 quality standard determines that the samples analyzed in the markets, butcher shops and supermarkets did not meet the quality parameters, having a concentration greater than the permitted limit of colony-forming units.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la calidad microbiológica de la carne de res molida que se expende en la ciudad de Babahoyo. Se realizó en el laboratorio de suelos de la carrera de Agronomía de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias FACIAG, el total de muestras de carne de res molida fueron 10 con 2 repeticiones procedentes de los diferentes mercados, supermercados y comisariatos de la ciudad de Babahoyo- Los Ríos. Se utilizo un testigo para verificar la esterilidad de la solución utilizada y del área de estudio. La determinación de la calidad microbiológica de la carne de res molida se realizó mediante la técnica del uso de placas Petrifilm incubando las muestras a 24 h ± 2 h a 37 ºC ± 1 ºC. Se utilizo una aplicación "check list" en cada expendio para evaluar el manejo sanitario en cuanto a la manipulación de carne molida. Dentro de este trabajo experimental se concluye que de las 10 muestras analizadas 8 dieron positivo a E. coli (80 %), en la cual también se evidencio la presencia de Coliformes totales en todas las muestras analizadas (100 %). Los valores medios de E. coli (ufc/g) en las muestras de carne molida sobrepasaron los niveles permitidos por NTE INEN 1346:2015, donde se indica un mínimo: 10 ufc/g y un máximo: 100 ufc/g. Los valores medios de Coliformes totales (ufc/g) sobrepasaron los niveles permitidos por NTE INEN:2015, donde se indica un mínimo: 1000000 ufc/g y un máximo: 10000000 ufc/g. La evaluación de la carne molida con la normativa de calidad NTE INEN 1346, determino que las muestras analizadas en los mercados, carnicerías y supermercados no cumplieron con los paramentos de calidad, al tener una concentración mayor al límite permitido de unidades formadoras de colonias.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCarne molidaes_ES
dc.subjectAerobios mesófiloses_ES
dc.subjectCalidad microbiológicaes_ES
dc.subjectInocuidad alimentariaes_ES
dc.titleCalidad microbiológica de la carne de res molida que se expende en la ciudad de Babahoyoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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