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dc.contributor.advisorCrespo Caicedo, Héctor Lautaro
dc.contributor.authorGavilánez Piza, María Gabriela
dc.descriptionFinancial management at the business level facilitates a diversity of benefits through techniques and methods that can be applied critically, it provides the correct management of countless resources that are at hand in a company, many privileges will be executed with the purpose to increase its value, positive aspects for collaborators, possible investors and the first in the hierarchy of the organization, on the other hand, accounting administration, enables good management and correct interpretation of the information in the accounting documents that are presents to the board of directors. Due to the aforementioned, an exhaustive analysis was carried out on the financial management of the ALROSA pillar, in order to evaluate the different accounting policies it maintains and it was possible to see the ability to make informed strategic decisions will be significantly benefited by a robust accounting infrastructure, the availability Timely and accurate financial information will allow the company to respond quickly to market changes and capitalize on growth opportunities more effectively. This is crucial to maintaining competitiveness in the dynamic agricultural sector in and around Babahoyo. Finally, a mixed approach was applied to collect quantitative and qualitative data that help carry out a detailed evaluation of the economic situation of the organization and in turn find gaps that affect the company negatively in the long term.es_ES
dc.descriptionFinancial management at the business level facilitates a diversity of benefits through techniques and methods that can be applied critically, it provides the correct management of countless resources that are at hand in a company, many privileges will be executed with the purpose to increase its value, positive aspects for collaborators, possible investors and the first in the hierarchy of the organization, on the other hand, accounting administration, enables good management and correct interpretation of the information in the accounting documents that are presents to the board of directors. Due to the aforementioned, an exhaustive analysis was carried out on the financial management of the ALROSA pillar, in order to evaluate the different accounting policies it maintains and it was possible to see the ability to make informed strategic decisions will be significantly benefited by a robust accounting infrastructure, the availability Timely and accurate financial information will allow the company to respond quickly to market changes and capitalize on growth opportunities more effectively. This is crucial to maintaining competitiveness in the dynamic agricultural sector in and around Babahoyo. Finally, a mixed approach was applied to collect quantitative and qualitative data that help carry out a detailed evaluation of the economic situation of the organization and in turn find gaps that affect the company negatively in the long term.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa gestión financiera a nivel empresarial facilita diversidad de beneficios por medio de técnicas y métodos que se pueden aplicar de forma critica, aporta el correcto manejo de un sin números de recursos que están a la mano en una empresa, muchos privilegios se ejecutara con la finalidad de aumentar el valor a la misma, aspectos positivos para los colaboradores, posibles inversionistas y los primeros en la jerarquía de la organización, por otro lado la administración contable, posibilita el buen manejo y la interpretación correcta de la información de los documentos contables que se presenta a la junta de directivos. Por lo antes mencionado se realizó un análisis exhaustivo en la gestión financiera de la piladora ALROSA, para poder evaluar las diferentes políticas contables que mantiene y se pudo ver la capacidad de tomar decisiones estratégicas informadas se verá significativamente beneficiada por una infraestructura contable robusta, la disponibilidad oportuna y precisa de información financiera permitirá a la empresa responder ágilmente a los cambios del mercado y capitalizar oportunidades de crecimiento con mayor efectividad. Esto es crucial para mantener la competitividad en el sector agrícola dinámico de Babahoyo y sus alrededores. Para finalizar se aplico un enfoque mixto para poder recolectar datos cuantitativos y cualitativos que ayuden a realizar una evaluación detallada en la situación económica de la organización y a su vez poder encontrar brechas que afecten a la compañía de manera negativa a largo plazo.es_ES
dc.format.extent37 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectGestión financieraes_ES
dc.subjectPlanificación estratégicaes_ES
dc.subjectIndicadores financieroses_ES
dc.subjectRiesgos contableses_ES
dc.titleGestión Financiera en la piladora ALROSA de la ciudad de Babahoyo durante los periodos 2022-2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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