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dc.contributor.advisorReyes Borja, Walter Oswaldo
dc.contributor.authorAlegria Rodriguez, Luis Jasmany
dc.descriptionIn Ecuador, rice is crucial in the coastal diet, with a per capita consumption of 53.20 kg, higher than in Colombia and Peru. To evaluate rice cultivars stored in cold rooms, the germination percentage is measured and agronomic traits are analyzed in seedbeds. The research is experimental and quantitative. This type of research seeks to establish patterns, compare results and find relationships between variables. The study evaluated the effect of prolonged storage on germination and agronomic characteristics of rice seeds (Oryza sativa L.). 222 cultivars stored for three years at 10-12°C in a cold room were analyzed. After sowing the seeds in germination trays and evaluating them after 20 days, it was observed that only 15 cultivars (6.8%) achieved more than 50% germination, while many F1 seeds, due to their hybrid condition and lack of shell, showed low or no germination. Agronomic variables such as plant height, stem size, number of leaves and vigor were measured, all with high statistical significance (p < 0.0001). A cluster analysis with Euclidean distance and Jaccard method grouped the cultivars into three classes: Class I (29 cultivars), Class II (49 cultivars) and Class III (16 cultivars). Although not all cultivars reached optimal germination levels, some showed significant potential. These cultivars could adapt to different agronomic conditions and, after harvest, renew the planting material, constituting a solid base for future genetic improvement programs of rice.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn Ecuador, rice is crucial in the coastal diet, with a per capita consumption of 53.20 kg, higher than in Colombia and Peru. To evaluate rice cultivars stored in cold rooms, the germination percentage is measured and agronomic traits are analyzed in seedbeds. The research is experimental and quantitative. This type of research seeks to establish patterns, compare results and find relationships between variables. The study evaluated the effect of prolonged storage on germination and agronomic characteristics of rice seeds (Oryza sativa L.). 222 cultivars stored for three years at 10-12°C in a cold room were analyzed. After sowing the seeds in germination trays and evaluating them after 20 days, it was observed that only 15 cultivars (6.8%) achieved more than 50% germination, while many F1 seeds, due to their hybrid condition and lack of shell, showed low or no germination. Agronomic variables such as plant height, stem size, number of leaves and vigor were measured, all with high statistical significance (p < 0.0001). A cluster analysis with Euclidean distance and Jaccard method grouped the cultivars into three classes: Class I (29 cultivars), Class II (49 cultivars) and Class III (16 cultivars). Although not all cultivars reached optimal germination levels, some showed significant potential. These cultivars could adapt to different agronomic conditions and, after harvest, renew the planting material, constituting a solid base for future genetic improvement programs of rice.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn Ecuador, el arroz es crucial en la dieta costera, con un consumo per cápita de 53,20 kg, superior al de Colombia y Perú. Para evaluar cultivares de arroz almacenados en cuarto frío, se mide el porcentaje de germinación y se analizan caracteres agronómicos en semilleros. La investigación es de tipo experimental, de forma cuantitativa. Este tipo de investigación busca establecer patrones, comparar resultados y encontrar relaciones entre las variables. El estudio evaluó el efecto del almacenamiento prolongado en la germinación y características agronómicas de semillas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.). Se analizaron 222 cultivares almacenados durante tres años a 10-12°C en un cuarto frío. Tras sembrar las semillas en bandejas germinadoras y evaluar a los 20 días, se observó que solo 15 cultivares (6,8%) lograron más del 50% de germinación, mientras que muchas semillas F1, debido a su condición híbrida y falta de cáscara, mostraron baja o nula germinación. Se midieron variables agronómicas como altura de planta, calibre del tallo, número de hojas y vigor, todas con alta significancia estadística (p < 0,0001). Un análisis de conglomerado con distancia Euclídea y método Jaccard agrupó los cultivares en tres clases: Clase I (29 cultivares), Clase II (49 cultivares) y Clase III (16 cultivares). Aunque no todos los cultivares alcanzaron niveles óptimos de germinación, algunos mostraron un potencial significativo. Estos cultivares podrían adaptarse a distintas condiciones agronómicas y, tras la cosecha, renovar el material de siembra, constituyendo una base sólida para futuros programas de mejoramiento genético del arroz.es_ES
dc.format.extent56 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCaracterísticas agronómicases_ES
dc.subjectPrueba euclídeaes_ES
dc.titleGerminación de cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) sometidos a períodos largos de almacenamiento en cuarto frío y evaluación de los caracteres agronómicos en la epata de semilleroes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador