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dc.contributor.advisorBastidas Arbeláez, Tania Zobeida
dc.contributor.authorCastañeda Cisneros, Nayely Michelle
dc.descriptionAccounts payable refer to all those debts that the company has contracted on credit to carry out its operations. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the accounts payable in the Company Royma S. A of the Ventanas canton during the period 2022 - 2023. The methodology implemented was a mixed approach, because qualitative analysis and research techniques are applied and quantitative. The scope is descriptive. The types of research were field and documentary; while, the method used is the inductive one. The techniques applied were two: interview and documentary review. The results of the investigation allowed us to conclude that: Accounts payable increased drastically from one period to another. In the year 2023, the amounts pending payment presented a positive variation of 210% compared to the immediately previous period. The scenario must be taken into account because it can condition the financial health of Royma S. A since the significant increase in debts in the short term can compromise current liquidity and the timely payment of financial obligations. Likewise, the turnover of accounts payable of Company Royma S. A during the 2022 period was 0.09 times; while in the period 2023 it increased slightly by 0.061 times.es_ES
dc.descriptionAccounts payable refer to all those debts that the company has contracted on credit to carry out its operations. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the accounts payable in the Company Royma S. A of the Ventanas canton during the period 2022 - 2023. The methodology implemented was a mixed approach, because qualitative analysis and research techniques are applied and quantitative. The scope is descriptive. The types of research were field and documentary; while, the method used is the inductive one. The techniques applied were two: interview and documentary review. The results of the investigation allowed us to conclude that: Accounts payable increased drastically from one period to another. In the year 2023, the amounts pending payment presented a positive variation of 210% compared to the immediately previous period. The scenario must be taken into account because it can condition the financial health of Royma S. A since the significant increase in debts in the short term can compromise current liquidity and the timely payment of financial obligations. Likewise, the turnover of accounts payable of Company Royma S. A during the 2022 period was 0.09 times; while in the period 2023 it increased slightly by 0.061 times.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLas cuentas por pagar se refieren a todas aquellas deudas que la empresa ha contraído a crédito para efectuar sus operaciones. El objetivo principal de la investigación es evaluar las cuentas por pagar en la Empresa Royma S. A del cantón Ventanas durante el periodo 2022 - 2023.La metodología implementada se trató de enfoque mixto, debido a que se aplican técnicas de análisis e investigación cualitativas y cuantitativas. El alcance es descriptivo. Los tipos de investigación fueron de campo y documental; mientras que, el método empleado es el inductivo. Las técnicas aplicadas fueron dos: entrevista y revisión documental. Los resultados de la investigación permitieron concluir que: Las cuentas por pagar incrementaron drásticamente de un periodo a otro. En el año 2023 los valores pendientes de pago presentaron una variación positiva de 210% con respecto al periodo inmediato anterior. El escenario debe tenerse en cuenta porque puede condicionar la salud financiera de la Royma S. A ya que, el aumento significativo de las deudas en el corto plazo, puede comprometer la liquidez corriente y el pago oportuno de las obligaciones financieras. Así mismo, la rotación de las cuentas por pagar de la Empresa Royma S. A durante el periodo 2022 fue de 0.09 veces; mientras que en el periodo 2023 aumentó de manera leve en 0.061 veces.es_ES
dc.format.extent38 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCuentas por pagares_ES
dc.subjectGestión financieraes_ES
dc.subjectPeriodo promedio de pagoes_ES
dc.subjectIndicadores financieroses_ES
dc.titleCuentas por pagar en la Empresa Royma S. A. del cantón Ventanas durante el periodo 2022 - 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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