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dc.contributor.advisorAlcívar Torres, Luis Antonio
dc.contributor.authorRuiz Soliz, Luis Eduardo
dc.descriptionThis document details cocoa fermentation and its effect on the concentration of heavy metals, where the general objective was to establish the importance of cocoa fermentation and its effect on the concentration of heavy metals. The writing of the document was carried out with a compilation of updated information, including scientific articles, websites and virtual libraries, which provide perspectives and concepts from various authors, which facilitated the analysis of the current research process considered as a non-experimental research of bibliographic nature, using techniques of synthesis, analysis and summary of the information collected. The conclusions determined that heavy metals disturb physiological processes, resulting in decreased plant growth and a reduction in productivity, which negatively affects seed fermentation; Furthermore, during the post-harvest process it can present significant concentrations of cadmium, lead, nickel and arsenic, which affects the organoleptic quality and can induce deterioration in the cocoa kernel. Fermentation favors the enzymatic decomposition of proteins and carbohydrates present in the bean, which in turn promotes the development of the characteristic flavors and aromas of cocoa. There are various options for cocoa fermentation, the most significant being heap fermentation, which involves placing fresh almonds on perforated musaceae leaves or another type of material that acts as a separator between the almonds and the soil, facilitating the process. of deburring. This method is used by small producers due to its simplicity of execution and low cost.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis document details cocoa fermentation and its effect on the concentration of heavy metals, where the general objective was to establish the importance of cocoa fermentation and its effect on the concentration of heavy metals. The writing of the document was carried out with a compilation of updated information, including scientific articles, websites and virtual libraries, which provide perspectives and concepts from various authors, which facilitated the analysis of the current research process considered as a non-experimental research of bibliographic nature, using techniques of synthesis, analysis and summary of the information collected. The conclusions determined that heavy metals disturb physiological processes, resulting in decreased plant growth and a reduction in productivity, which negatively affects seed fermentation; Furthermore, during the post-harvest process it can present significant concentrations of cadmium, lead, nickel and arsenic, which affects the organoleptic quality and can induce deterioration in the cocoa kernel. Fermentation favors the enzymatic decomposition of proteins and carbohydrates present in the bean, which in turn promotes the development of the characteristic flavors and aromas of cocoa. There are various options for cocoa fermentation, the most significant being heap fermentation, which involves placing fresh almonds on perforated musaceae leaves or another type of material that acts as a separator between the almonds and the soil, facilitating the process. of deburring. This method is used by small producers due to its simplicity of execution and low cost.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente documento detalla la fermentación de cacao y su efecto en la concentración de metales pesados, donde el objetivo general fue establecer la importancia de la fermentación de cacao y su efecto en la concentración de metales pesados. La redacción del documento se realizó con una recopilación de información actualizada, incluyendo artículos científicos, sitios web y bibliotecas virtuales, que proporcionan perspectivas y conceptos de diversos autores, lo que facilitó el análisis del proceso de la investigación actual considerada como una investigación no experimental de naturaleza bibliográfica, empleando técnicas de síntesis, análisis y resumen de la información recopilada. Las conclusiones determinaron que los metales pesados, perturban los procesos fisiológicos, resultando en un crecimiento disminuido de la planta y una reducción en la productividad, lo cual afecta negativamente la fermentación de las semillas; además durante el proceso postcosecha puede presentar concentraciones significativas de cadmio, plomo, níquel y arsénico, lo cual afecta la calidad organoléptica y puede inducir un deterioro en la almendra de cacao. La fermentación favorece la descomposición enzimática de proteínas y carbohidratos presentes en el grano, lo que a su vez propicia el desarrollo de los sabores y aromas característicos del cacao. Existen diversas opciones para la fermentación del cacao, siendo las más significativa la fermentación en montón que implica la disposición de las almendras frescas sobre hojas perforadas de musáceas u otro tipo de material que actúa como un separador entre las almendras y el suelo, facilitando el proceso de desbabe. Este método es empleado por pequeños productores debido a su simplicidad de ejecución y bajo costo.es_ES
dc.format.extent37 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSemillas de cacaoes_ES
dc.titleFermentación de cacao y su efecto en la concentración de metales pesadoses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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