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dc.contributor.advisorAcosta Roby, Martha Guadalupe
dc.contributor.authorAlarcón Rosado, Juleidy María
dc.descriptionThe control of income and expenses in the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government (GAD) of the Puebloviejo Canton during the period 2022-2023 is crucial to guarantee adequate financial management and transparency in the use of public resources, this process involves detailed supervision of all sources of revenue, such as local taxes, State transfers and other financial resources, as well as rigorous monitoring of municipal expenditures on programs, public services and infrastructure projects. During this period, the Municipal GAD of Puebloviejo faces the challenge of maximizing available income while efficiently managing expenditures to meet the needs of the local community, this requires implementing robust accounting and budgeting systems and procedures that ensure the correct allocation and use of public funds, minimizing risks of embezzlement or improper use. Budget planning plays a fundamental role, allowing the GAD to prioritize investments in critical areas such as education, health, road infrastructure and basic services, likewise, the periodic evaluation of financial results and compliance with budgetary goals are essential to adjust strategies and ensure long-term fiscal sustainability. Clarity when rendering accounts is fundamental in the process, guaranteeing the community to have free access to information in a precise and clear way but above all that it is understandable to identify how equitable administration of the public resources of the community is achieved. entity, this practice strengthens the trust of people in the sector towards local institutions, promoting continuous improvement.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe control of income and expenses in the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government (GAD) of the Puebloviejo Canton during the period 2022-2023 is crucial to guarantee adequate financial management and transparency in the use of public resources, this process involves detailed supervision of all sources of revenue, such as local taxes, State transfers and other financial resources, as well as rigorous monitoring of municipal expenditures on programs, public services and infrastructure projects. During this period, the Municipal GAD of Puebloviejo faces the challenge of maximizing available income while efficiently managing expenditures to meet the needs of the local community, this requires implementing robust accounting and budgeting systems and procedures that ensure the correct allocation and use of public funds, minimizing risks of embezzlement or improper use. Budget planning plays a fundamental role, allowing the GAD to prioritize investments in critical areas such as education, health, road infrastructure and basic services, likewise, the periodic evaluation of financial results and compliance with budgetary goals are essential to adjust strategies and ensure long-term fiscal sustainability. Clarity when rendering accounts is fundamental in the process, guaranteeing the community to have free access to information in a precise and clear way but above all that it is understandable to identify how equitable administration of the public resources of the community is achieved. entity, this practice strengthens the trust of people in the sector towards local institutions, promoting continuous improvement.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl control de ingresos y egresos en el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado (GAD) Municipal del Cantón Puebloviejo durante el periodo 2022-2023 es crucial para garantizar la adecuada gestión financiera y la transparencia en el uso de recursos públicos, este proceso implica la supervisión detallada de todas las fuentes de ingresos, como impuestos locales, transferencias del Estado y otros recursos financieros, así como el monitoreo riguroso de los gastos municipales en programas, servicios públicos y proyectos de infraestructura. Durante este periodo, el GAD Municipal de Puebloviejo enfrenta el desafío de maximizar los ingresos disponibles mientras gestiona eficientemente los egresos para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad local, esto requiere implementar sistemas y procedimientos robustos de contabilidad y presupuesto que aseguren la correcta asignación y utilización de los fondos públicos, minimizando riesgos de malversación o uso indebido. La planificación presupuestaria juega un papel fundamental, permitiendo al GAD priorizar inversiones en áreas críticas como educación, salud, infraestructura vial y servicios básicos; asimismo, la evaluación periódica de los resultados financieros y el cumplimiento de metas presupuestarias son esenciales para ajustar estrategias y asegurar la sostenibilidad fiscal a largo plazo. La claridad al momento de rendir cuentas es fundamental en el proceso, garantizando a la comunidad tener libre acceso a la información de forma precisa y clara pero sobre todo que sea entendible para lograr identificar como se logra una administración equitativa de los recursos públicos de la entidad, esta práctica fortifica la confianza de las personas del sector para con las instituciones locales promoviendo el mejoramiento continuo.es_ES
dc.format.extent44 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleControl de ingresos y egresos en el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado (GAD) Municipal del Cantón Puebloviejo en el periodo 2022-2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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