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dc.contributor.advisorAcosta Roby, Martha Guadalupe
dc.contributor.authorArana Gómez, Darwin Slyder
dc.descriptionThis case study focuses on the management of accounts payable for Bamarex S.A. during the periods 2022-2023. The accumulation of overdue payments, interest on arrears, and the loss of early payment discounts has increased operating costs and reduced the company's ability to generate profits. This study is justified by the need to understand and improve the management of Bamarex S.A.'s accounts payable to optimize its cash flow and strengthen its economic stability. The objective is to analyze the impact of accounts payable management on Bamarex S.A.'s liquidity during the periods 2022-2023, identifying accounting practices that contribute to optimizing cash flow. The methodology included a review of financial statements and a quantitative analysis of financial indicators such as the average payment period and the cash conversion cycle (CCC). The results show that Bamarex S.A. has implemented specific policies for the receipt, verification, and payment of invoices, with a rigorous focus on internal control. However, extending payment terms to suppliers has increased accounts payable from $192,663 in 2022 to $271,025 in 2023, improving short-term liquidity but risking supplier relationships. The CCC decreased from 40.63 days in 2022 to 31.07 days in 2023, indicating an improvement in operational efficiency, although the average payment period exceeded the 30 days established in internal policies.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study focuses on the management of accounts payable for Bamarex S.A. during the periods 2022-2023. The accumulation of overdue payments, interest on arrears, and the loss of early payment discounts has increased operating costs and reduced the company's ability to generate profits. This study is justified by the need to understand and improve the management of Bamarex S.A.'s accounts payable to optimize its cash flow and strengthen its economic stability. The objective is to analyze the impact of accounts payable management on Bamarex S.A.'s liquidity during the periods 2022-2023, identifying accounting practices that contribute to optimizing cash flow. The methodology included a review of financial statements and a quantitative analysis of financial indicators such as the average payment period and the cash conversion cycle (CCC). The results show that Bamarex S.A. has implemented specific policies for the receipt, verification, and payment of invoices, with a rigorous focus on internal control. However, extending payment terms to suppliers has increased accounts payable from $192,663 in 2022 to $271,025 in 2023, improving short-term liquidity but risking supplier relationships. The CCC decreased from 40.63 days in 2022 to 31.07 days in 2023, indicating an improvement in operational efficiency, although the average payment period exceeded the 30 days established in internal policies.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente caso de estudio se enfoca en la gestión de las cuentas por pagar de la empresa Bamarex S.A. durante los periodos 2022-2023. La acumulación de pagos atrasados, intereses moratorios y la pérdida de descuentos por pagos anticipados ha incrementado los costos operativos y reducido la capacidad de generar utilidades. Este estudio se justifica por la necesidad de comprender y mejorar la gestión de las cuentas por pagar de Bamarex S.A. para optimizar su flujo de efectivo y fortalecer su estabilidad económica. El objetivo es analizar el impacto de la gestión de cuentas por pagar en la liquidez de Bamarex S.A. durante los periodos 2022-2023, identificando prácticas contables que contribuyan a la optimización del flujo de efectivo. La metodología incluyó una revisión de los estados financieros y un análisis cuantitativo de indicadores financieros como el periodo promedio de pago y el ciclo de conversión de efectivo (CCE). Los resultados muestran que Bamarex S.A. ha implementado políticas específicas para la recepción, verificación y pago de facturas, con un enfoque riguroso en el control interno. Sin embargo, la extensión de los plazos de pago a proveedores ha aumentado las cuentas por pagar de $192,663 en 2022 a $271,025 en 2023, mejorando la liquidez a corto plazo, pero poniendo en riesgo las relaciones con los proveedores. El CCE se redujo de 40.63 días en 2022 a 31.07 días en 2023, indicando una mejora en la eficiencia operativa, aunque el periodo de pago promedio excedió los 30 días establecidos en las políticas internas.es_ES
dc.format.extent48 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCuentas por pagares_ES
dc.subjectFlujo de efectivoes_ES
dc.titleImpacto de la Gestión de Cuentas por Pagar en la liquidez de la empresa BAMAREX S.A. del cantón Baba en los periodos 2022-2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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