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dc.contributor.advisorCabanilla Campos, María Gabriela
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz Burgos, Breisla María
dc.descriptionThis study focuses on "Supplementation in the diet of broiler chickens fed with cocoa waste (Theobroma cacao L.)". The main objective is to establish the impact of supplementation in the diet of broiler chickens fed with cocoa waste (Theobroma cacao L.), using a non-experimental bibliographic research methodology that includes the analysis of current documents and research articles. Within its development, the bioactive components of cocoa and its effect on animal health, broiler production in Ecuador, nutritional requirements of broiler chickens, the importance of supplementation in poultry production, differences between traditional and supplemented diets, the properties and benefits of cocoa waste in birds, percentage and optimal life stage for the incorporation of supplementation in birds. The results, highlighting that in the diet of broiler chickens, the ideal percentage of cocoa waste supplementation is 1 to 2% of the total diet, this range allows for nutritional benefits, final weight gain, sustainability, and strengthening of their immune systems; levels higher than 2.5% can cause a decrease in palatability. In conclusion, cocoa waste not only improves feed conversion and bird weight, with the average weight being 2.5 kg and applying this strategy reaching up to 2.90 kg, it also offers protection against toxic elements in poultry farming, for this reason, it is crucial for producers to maintain an adequate balance when incorporating these waste into feed diets, ensuring optimal and efficient growth of birdses_ES
dc.descriptionThis study focuses on "Supplementation in the diet of broiler chickens fed with cocoa waste (Theobroma cacao L.)". The main objective is to establish the impact of supplementation in the diet of broiler chickens fed with cocoa waste (Theobroma cacao L.), using a non-experimental bibliographic research methodology that includes the analysis of current documents and research articles. Within its development, the bioactive components of cocoa and its effect on animal health, broiler production in Ecuador, nutritional requirements of broiler chickens, the importance of supplementation in poultry production, differences between traditional and supplemented diets, the properties and benefits of cocoa waste in birds, percentage and optimal life stage for the incorporation of supplementation in birds. The results, highlighting that in the diet of broiler chickens, the ideal percentage of cocoa waste supplementation is 1 to 2% of the total diet, this range allows for nutritional benefits, final weight gain, sustainability, and strengthening of their immune systems; levels higher than 2.5% can cause a decrease in palatability. In conclusion, cocoa waste not only improves feed conversion and bird weight, with the average weight being 2.5 kg and applying this strategy reaching up to 2.90 kg, it also offers protection against toxic elements in poultry farming, for this reason, it is crucial for producers to maintain an adequate balance when incorporating these waste into feed diets, ensuring optimal and efficient growth of birdses_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio se enfoca en la “Suplementación en la dieta de pollos de engorde alimentados con residuos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.)”. El objetivo principal es establecer el impacto de la suplementación en la dieta de pollos de engorde alimentados con residuos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), utilizando una metodología de investigación bibliográfica no experimental que incluye el análisis de documentos actuales y artículos de investigación. Dentro de su desarrollo los componentes bioactivos del Cacao y su efecto en la Salud Animal , producción de pollos de engorde en el Ecuador, requerimiento nutricional de los pollos de engorde, la importancia de la suplementación en la producción avícola, diferencia entre dietas tradicionales con suplementadas, las propiedades y Beneficiosas que tiene los residuos de cacao en las aves, porcentaje y Atapa de vida óptimo para la incorporación de la suplementación en las aves. Los resultados, resalto que dieta de pollos de engorde, el porcentaje ideal de suplementación de desechos de cacao es del 1 al 2% del total de la dieta, este rango permite obtener beneficios nutricionales, ganancia de peso final, sostenibilidad, y fortalecimiento en sus sistemas inmunológicos; lo niveles superiores al 2.5% pueden causar una disminución de la palatabilidad. En conclusión, los residuos de cacao no solo mejoran la conversión alimenticia y peso del ave siendo el peso promedio de 2,5 kg y aplicando esta estrategia llegan hasta 2,90 kg, también ofrecen protección contra elementos tóxicos en la avicultura, por tal motivo, es crucial para los productores mantener un equilibrio adecuado al incorporar estos residuos en las dietas alimenticias, asegurando un crecimiento óptimo y eficiente de las aves.es_ES
dc.format.extent24 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectPollos de engordees_ES
dc.titleSuplementación en la dieta de pollos de engorde alimentados con residuos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.).es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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