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dc.contributor.advisorRodríguez Gómez, Pedro
dc.contributor.authorZapata Zambrano, Lexy Scarleth
dc.descriptionBeer is one of the oldest and most varied alcoholic beverages; it is brewed with different cereals, each one of them providing its own characteristics of the cereal. The comparison of alcohols brewed with rice, rye or corn beer shows differences in their physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics, as well as in economic aspects of profitability. The production of rice beer includes cooking at 70-75 ºC, between 1 and 2 h, so that the starch will gelatinize, a very fine milling, fermentation at 18-20 ºC at room temperature for 7-10 days, the pH is similar (4.9 for rice, 4.8 for corn), both are low, but with very high alcoholic degrees. The appearance of rice is of sweet aroma, yellowish color which resembles rye, which has a pH of 4.3, an acidity of 0.4 and an alcohol content of 4.0 %; the appearance of rye is of acid taste and a very characteristic odor. Economically such production of rice beer is the cheapest: 96 bottles at $2.00 (income = 192; cost = 57.60), although barley beer earns a higher income, it has a higher production cost ($210).es_ES
dc.descriptionBeer is one of the oldest and most varied alcoholic beverages; it is brewed with different cereals, each one of them providing its own characteristics of the cereal. The comparison of alcohols brewed with rice, rye or corn beer shows differences in their physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics, as well as in economic aspects of profitability. The production of rice beer includes cooking at 70-75 ºC, between 1 and 2 h, so that the starch will gelatinize, a very fine milling, fermentation at 18-20 ºC at room temperature for 7-10 days, the pH is similar (4.9 for rice, 4.8 for corn), both are low, but with very high alcoholic degrees. The appearance of rice is of sweet aroma, yellowish color which resembles rye, which has a pH of 4.3, an acidity of 0.4 and an alcohol content of 4.0 %; the appearance of rye is of acid taste and a very characteristic odor. Economically such production of rice beer is the cheapest: 96 bottles at $2.00 (income = 192; cost = 57.60), although barley beer earns a higher income, it has a higher production cost ($210).es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa cerveza es una de las bebidas alcohólicas más antiguas y variadas, se elabora con diferentes cereales, aportando cada una de ellas unas características propias del cereal. La comparación de alcoholes elaborados con cerveza de arroz, centeno o maíz muestran diferencias en sus características fisicoquímicas, organolépticas y en aspectos económicos de rentabilidad. La producción de la cerveza de arroz incluye una cocción de 70-75 ºC, entre 1 y 2 h, con el objetivo de que el almidón se gelatinice, una molienda muy fina, una fermentación a 18-20 ºC a temperatura ambiente durante 7-10 días el pH es similar (4,9 el arroz, 4,8 el maíz), ambos son bajos, pero con grados alcohólicos muy elevados. La apariencia del arroz es de aroma dulce, de color amarillento el cual se asemeja al centeno, que tiene un pH de 4,3, una acidez de 0,4 y un grado de alcohol de 4,0 %; la apariencia de centeno es de gusto ácido y un olor muy característico. Económicamente dicha producción de cerveza de arroz resulta la más barata: 96 botellas a 2 dólares (ingreso = 192; coste = 57,60), aunque la cerveza de cebada obtiene un ingreso mayor, tiene un coste de producción superior ($210).es_ES
dc.format.extent26 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo, Ecuadores_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleEmpleo de la gramínea Oryza Sativa l, como alternativa de sustitución parcial de la cebada Hordeum Vulgare en la elaboración de cerveza.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador